首页 > 编程语言 >从源码中解析fabric区块数据结构(一)


时间:2022-10-26 10:22:38浏览次数:94  
标签:fabric -- 源码 byte 区块 class Block string



最近打算基于fabric-sdk-go实现hyperledger fabric浏览器,其中最重要的一步就是解析fabric的上链区块。虽说fabric是Golang实现的,但直到2021年2月1号才发布了第一个稳定版fabric-sdk-go,而且官方几乎没有响应的文档介绍。对于fabric-sdk-go,基本都是参照源码中的测试用例来使用;而要实现区块链浏览器,仅靠测试用例还差好多,特别是对出块信息的解析。


// BlockEvent contains the data for the block event
type BlockEvent struct {
	// Block is the block that was committed
	Block *cb.Block
	// SourceURL specifies the URL of the peer that produced the event
	SourceURL string


// This is finalized block structure to be shared among the orderer and peer
// Note that the BlockHeader chains to the previous BlockHeader, and the BlockData hash is embedded
// in the BlockHeader.  This makes it natural and obvious that the Data is included in the hash, but
// the Metadata is not.
type Block struct {
	Header               *BlockHeader   `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
	Data                 *BlockData     `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"`
	Metadata             *BlockMetadata `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"`


classDiagram class Block{ Header *BlockHeader Data *BlockData Metadata *BlockMetadata } class BlockHeader{ Number uint64 PreviousHash []byte DataHash []byte } class BlockData{ Data [][]byte } class BlockMetadata{ Metadata [][]byte } class Metadata{ Value []byte Signatures []*MetadataSignature } class MetadataSignature{ SignatureHeader []byte Signature []byte IdentifierHeader []byte } class SignatureHeader{ Creator []byte Nonce []byte } class SerializedIdentity{ Mspid string IdBytes []byte } class Certificate{ crypto/x509.Certificate } class IdentifierHeader{ Identifier uint32 Nonce []byte } class Envelope{ Payload []byte Signature []byte } class Payload{ Header *Header Data []byte } class Header{ ChannelHeader []byte SignatureHeader []byte } class ChannelHeader{ Type int32 Version int32 Timestamp *timestamp.Timestamp TxId string Epoch uint64 Extension []byte TlsCertHash []byte } class Transaction{ Actions []*TransactionAction } class TransactionAction{ Header []byte Payload []byte } class ChaincodeActionPayload{ ChaincodeProposalPayload []byte Action *ChaincodeEndorsedAction } class ChaincodeEndorsedAction{ ProposalResponsePayload []byte Endorsements []*Endorsement } class ProposalResponsePayload{ ProposalHash []byte Extension []byte } class Endorsement{ Endorser []byte Signature []byte } class ChaincodeProposalPayload{ Input []byte TransientMap map[string][]byte } class ChaincodeInvocationSpec{ ChaincodeSpec *ChaincodeSpec } class ChaincodeSpec{ Type ChaincodeSpec_Type ChaincodeId *ChaincodeID Input *ChaincodeInput Timeout int32 } class ChaincodeID{ Path string Name string Version string } class ChaincodeInput{ Args [][]byte Decorations map[string][]byte IsInit bool } class ChaincodeAction{ Results []byte Events []byte Response *Response ChaincodeId *ChaincodeID } class TxReadWriteSet{ DataModel TxReadWriteSet_DataModel NsRwset []*NsReadWriteSet } class NsReadWriteSet{ Namespace string Rwset []byte CollectionHashedRwset []*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet } class KVRWSet{ Reads []*KVRead RangeQueriesInfo []*RangeQueryInfo Writes []*KVWrite MetadataWrites []*KVMetadataWrite } Block --* BlockHeader Block --* BlockData Block --* BlockMetadata BlockMetadata --* Metadata Metadata --* MetadataSignature MetadataSignature --* SignatureHeader MetadataSignature --* IdentifierHeader SignatureHeader --* SerializedIdentity SerializedIdentity --* Certificate BlockData --* Envelope Envelope --* Payload Payload --* Header Payload --* Transaction Transaction --* TransactionAction TransactionAction --* ChaincodeActionPayload ChaincodeActionPayload --* ChaincodeEndorsedAction ChaincodeActionPayload --* ChaincodeProposalPayload ChaincodeProposalPayload --* ChaincodeInvocationSpec ChaincodeInvocationSpec --* ChaincodeSpec ChaincodeSpec --* ChaincodeID ChaincodeSpec --* ChaincodeInput ChaincodeEndorsedAction --* Endorsement ChaincodeEndorsedAction --* ProposalResponsePayload ProposalResponsePayload --* ChaincodeAction ChaincodeAction --* TxReadWriteSet TxReadWriteSet --* NsReadWriteSet NsReadWriteSet --* KVRWSet Header --* ChannelHeader Header --* SignatureHeader

声明:本作品采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)进行许可,使用时请注明出处。
Author: mengbin92
Github: mengbin92
cnblogs: 恋水无意

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lianshuiwuyi/p/16827357.html


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