摘 要
With the rapid development of informatization, people's daily lifestyles are undergoing significant changes. Especially in universities, the application of information technology is crucial for managing the various processes of college graduation projects. In order to better meet this demand, we have decided to develop a graduation project question and topic selection system. The goal of the system is to help faculty improve the management efficiency of graduation projects.
By using Java as the backend programming language and MySQL database, combined with B/S mode and other related technologies, we can design and implement the required functions. This system not only simplifies the management process, but also improves the efficiency of users and managers, further promoting the development of informatization. The system includes various functions, such as teacher management, student management, professional director, question collection management, topic management, online topic selection, communication consultation, and Q&A. These functions together constitute a complete graduation project management system, meeting the needs of modern teaching management. The graduation project question and topic selection system is of great significance for improving the efficiency and informatization level of educational management. It not only simplifies the process and improves efficiency, but also provides new possibilities for future education management.
Keywords:Graduation project questions; JAVA; MySQL; Topic selection system
1. 题目征集过程繁琐:学生需要手动填写题目信息并提交,可能存在信息填写不完整的问题。
2. 题目审核过程不透明:学生无法及时获得审核结果和反馈意见,无法尽早开始课题的研究和设计。
3. 选题过程不便捷:学生和教师之间的沟通和确认需要通过其他方式进行,缺乏统一的平台,无法及时和导师交换意见,时间成本较大。
1. 学生在系统中浏览和搜索毕业设计题目,查看题目的详细信息和要求。
2. 学生可以自主提交自己感兴趣的题目,书写任务书,并填写相关信息,如题目描述等。
3. 专业主任可以发布征题要求,并且能对教师提交的选题进行审核和上报
4. 教师对学生提交的题目进行审核,并提供审核结果。
5. 学生根据自己的兴趣和专业方向,筛选和选择适合自己的题目。
6. 学生在提交选课申请前,要书写该课题的任务,一并提交给教师进行审核。
7. 教师审核通过学生自主提交的课题后,也可作为毕业设计选题
8. 管理员负责管理用户注册和用户信息以及权限分配