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Python脚本中使用 if 语句导致的错误代码

时间:2024-06-14 09:58:24浏览次数:25  
标签:语句 raw 错误代码 filetype filename Python file path input

在 Python 脚本中使用 if 语句是一种常见的控制流程结构,用于根据条件决定程序的执行路径。当使用 Python 中的 if 语句时,可能会导致一些常见的错误。下面就是我经常遇到的错误代码示例及其可能的原因和解决方法,希望对大家有些帮助,少走弯路。



一位用户在编写一个 Python 脚本时,在运行脚本时遇到了错误代码,具体错误信息如下:

File "conversion.py", line 17
    elif filetype == "Audio":

用户提供了完整的代码,其中包含了多个 elif 语句,用于处理不同文件类型的转换。然而,当用户运行脚本时,却遇到了上述错误。


经过分析,错误的原因在于用户在代码中混用了制表符和空格。在 Python 中,制表符通常被解释为 8 个空格,但用户在编辑器中配置的制表符宽度却为 4 个空格。这导致了代码中某些行缩进不正确,从而引发了错误。


  1. 将代码中的制表符替换为空格,确保所有缩进都正确。
  2. 在编辑器中配置正确的制表符宽度,使其与 Python 的默认值(8 个空格)一致。


if filetype == "Document":
    path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
    filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
    Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .txt: ")
    from subprocess import check_call   
    subprocess.check_call(['unoconv', '-f', Fileextension, filename])

elif filetype == "Audio":
    path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
    filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
    Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .mp3: ")
    body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
    check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename, body Fileextension])

elif filetype == "Video":
    path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
    filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
    Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .mp4: ")
    body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
    from subprocess import check_call   
    check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename, body Fileextension])

elif filetype == "Image":
    path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
    filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
    Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .Jpeg: ")
    body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
    from subprocess import check_call   
    check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename, body Fileextension])


在实际的 Python 脚本中,我们可以根据具体的需求和条件来编写 if 语句,实现不同情况下的代码逻辑执行。需要注意的是,在 Python 中 if 语句的条件后面需要使用冒号 :,而且条件成立的代码块需要缩进,通常是四个空格或一个制表符的缩进。

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44617651/article/details/139672964


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