首页 > 编程语言 >C#中的事件聚合器实现方法


时间:2024-05-28 18:33:59浏览次数:18  
标签:聚合 string get C# userId class 事件 new public

概述:_对象之间的关系_是使代码库难以理解和难以维护的原因。为了更好地理解它,我们求助于马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler):事件聚合器是间接的简单元素。在最简单的形式中,您可以让它注册到您感兴趣的所有源对象,并让所有目标对象注册到事件聚合器。事件聚合器通过将源对象中的任何事件传播到目标对象来响应该事件。事件聚合器有很多好处。在本文中,我将展示事件聚合器如何使我们更容易扩展应用程序。给我一个理由!为了展示它如何使我们的代码更易于理解,请查看以下模型:public class User { public string Id { get; set; } public bool IsMarried_对象之间的关系_是使代码库难以理解和难以维护的原因。


为了更好地理解它,我们求助于马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler):






public class User {
  public string Id { get; set; }
  public bool IsMarried { get; set; }
public class Resume {
  public string Description { get; set; }
  public string UserId { get; set; }
  public bool IsUserMarried { get; set; }
public class Store {
  public string Title { get; set; }
  public string OwnerId { get; set; }
  public bool IsOwnerMarried { get; set; }

在这里,并将用户的当前婚姻状况存储在一个名为 的字段中。假设每个实体都是一个聚合根,因此每个实体都有自己的服务:ResumeStoreIsUserMarried

public class ResumeService {
  private readonly ICollection<Resume> db = new List<Resume> {
    new Resume {
      Description = "My current resume",
      UserId = "1",
      IsUserMarried = false
  public void SetMaritalStatus(string userId, bool isMarried) {
    foreach (var resume in db.Where(a => a.UserId.Equals(userId))) {
      resume.IsUserMarried = isMarried;
public class StoreService {
  private readonly ICollection<Store> db = new List<Store> {
    new Store {
      Title = "Restaurant",
      OwnerId = "1",
      IsOwnerMarried = false
  public void SetMaritalStatus(string ownerId, bool isMarried) {
    foreach (var store in db.Where(a => a.OwnerId.Equals(ownerId))) {
      store.IsOwnerMarried = isMarried;
public class UserService {
  private readonly ICollection<User> db = new List<User> {
    new User {
      Id = "1",
      IsMarried = false
  private readonly ResumeService resumeService;
  private readonly StoreService storeService;
  public UserService(ResumeService resumeService, 
    StoreService storeService) {
    this.resumeService = resumeService;
    this.storeService = storeService;
  public void GotMarried(string userId) {
    var user = db.First(a => a.Id.Equals(userId));
    user.IsMarried = true;
    // propagate changes to other parts of the code
    resumeService.SetMaritalStatus(userId, true);
    storeService.SetMaritalStatus(userId, true);

ResumeService并且两者都有一个更新用户婚姻状况的方法( )。正如你所看到的,对这两个服务都有依赖性,因为当一个用户结婚时,想要通知其他服务。此代码有效,但有两个缺点:StoreServiceSetMaritalStatusUserServiceUserService





public class MaritalStatusChanged : IEvent {  
  public MaritalStatusChanged(string userId, bool isMarried) {  
    UserId = userId;  
    IsMarried = isMarried;  
  public string UserId { get; }  
  public bool IsMarried { get; }  


public class UserService {  
  private readonly ICollection<User> db = new List<User> {  
    new User {  
      Id = "1",  
      IsMarried = false  
  private readonly IEventEmitter eventEmitter
  public UserService(IEventEmitter eventEmitter) {  
    this.eventEmitter = eventEmitter;  
  public void GotMarried(string userId) {  
    var user = db.First(a => a.Id.Equals(userId));  
    user.IsMarried = true;  
    // propagate changes to other parts of the code  
     eventEmitter.Publish(new MaritalStatusChanged(userId, true)); 


public class MaritalStatusChangedHandler :  
 IEventHandler<MaritalStatusChanged> {  
  private readonly ResumeService service;  
  public MaritalStatusChangedHandler(ResumeService service) {  
    this.service = service;  
  public Task Handle(MaritalStatusChanged ev) {  
    service.SetMaritalStatus(ev.UserId, ev.IsMarried); 
    return Task.CompletedTask;  


// 1- create an event bus
var bus = new DefaultEventBus();
// 2- create services
var userService = new UserService(bus);
var resumeService = new ResumeService();
var storeService = new StoreService();
// 3- subscribe
bus.Subscribe<MaritalStatusChanged, ResumeService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler>(
  new ResumeService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler(resumeService));
bus.Subscribe<MaritalStatusChanged, StoreService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler>(
  new StoreService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler(storeService));
// 4- someone got married

1- 这将创建事件总线。事件总线实现 IEventEmitter 和 IEventSink。 发布事件并允许您订阅事件。


using libc.eventbus.System;
using libc.eventbus.Types;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace libc.eventbus.tests
  public class Showcase2
    public void Showcase()
      // 1- create an event bus
      var bus = new DefaultEventBus();

      // 2- create services
      var userService = new UserService(bus);
      var resumeService = new ResumeService();
      var storeService = new StoreService();

      // 3- subscribe
      bus.Subscribe<MaritalStatusChanged, ResumeService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler>(
          new ResumeService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler(resumeService));

      bus.Subscribe<MaritalStatusChanged, StoreService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler>(
          new StoreService.MaritalStatusChangedHandler(storeService));

      // 4- someone got married

    public class UserService
      private readonly ICollection<User> _db = new List<User>
                new User
                    Id = "1",
                    IsMarried = false

      private readonly IEventEmitter _eventEmitter;

      public UserService(IEventEmitter eventEmitter)
        _eventEmitter = eventEmitter;

      public void GotMarried(string userId)
        var user = _db.First(a => a.Id.Equals(userId));
        user.IsMarried = true;

        // propagate changes to other parts of the code
        _eventEmitter.Publish(new MaritalStatusChanged(userId, true));

    public class ResumeService
      private readonly ICollection<Resume> _db = new List<Resume>
                new Resume
                    Description = "My current resume",
                    UserId = "1",
                    IsUserMarried = false

      public void SetMaritalStatus(string userId, bool isMarried)
        foreach (var resume in _db.Where(a => a.UserId.Equals(userId))) resume.IsUserMarried = isMarried;

        Console.WriteLine($"{userId} is {(isMarried ? "married" : "single")} now");

      public class MaritalStatusChangedHandler : IEventHandler<MaritalStatusChanged>
        private readonly ResumeService _service;

        public MaritalStatusChangedHandler(ResumeService service)
          _service = service;

        public Task Handle(MaritalStatusChanged ev)
          _service.SetMaritalStatus(ev.UserId, ev.IsMarried);

          return Task.CompletedTask;

    public class StoreService
      private readonly ICollection<Store> _db = new List<Store>
                new Store
                    Title = "Restaurant",
                    OwnerId = "1",
                    IsOwnerMarried = false

      public void SetMaritalStatus(string userId, bool isMarried)
        foreach (var store in _db.Where(a => a.OwnerId.Equals(userId))) store.IsOwnerMarried = isMarried;

        Console.WriteLine($"{userId} is {(isMarried ? "married" : "single")} now");

      public class MaritalStatusChangedHandler : IEventHandler<MaritalStatusChanged>
        private readonly StoreService _service;

        public MaritalStatusChangedHandler(StoreService service)
          _service = service;

        public Task Handle(MaritalStatusChanged ev)
          _service.SetMaritalStatus(ev.UserId, ev.IsMarried);

          return Task.CompletedTask;

    public class MaritalStatusChanged : IEvent
      public MaritalStatusChanged(string userId, bool isMarried)
        UserId = userId;
        IsMarried = isMarried;

      public string UserId { get; }
      public bool IsMarried { get; }

    public class User
      public string Id { get; set; }
      public bool IsMarried { get; set; }

    public class Resume
      public string Description { get; set; }
      public string UserId { get; set; }
      public bool IsUserMarried { get; set; }

    public class Store
      public string Title { get; set; }
      public string OwnerId { get; set; }
      public bool IsOwnerMarried { get; set; }

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2401_82584055/article/details/139274567


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