首页 > 编程语言 >TSP旅行商问题——SA模拟退火算法,SA+GA组合算法(代码解释)


时间:2024-03-24 12:02:39浏览次数:31  
标签:length solution loc2 算法 模拟退火 new SA cities population



import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# randomly generate the map with constraint of [-100, 100]
def gen_cities(city_num, random_state=True):
    if random_state:
        cities = (np.random.uniform(0, 2, (city_num, 2))-1)*200
        np.savetxt('cities.txt', cities)
        cities = np.loadtxt('cities.txt')
    return cities

# get distance matrix
def get_distance_mateix(cities):
    distances = np.zeros((len(cities), len(cities)))
    for i in range(len(cities)):
        for j in range(len(cities)):
            distances[i][j] = np.sqrt((cities[i][0]-cities[j][0])**2 + (cities[i][1]-cities[j][1])**2)

    return distances

# plot cities on a graph
def plot_map(cities, path):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10,10), dpi=100)
    plt.scatter(cities[:,0], cities[:,1], s=150)
    for i in range(len(cities)-1):
        plt.plot([cities[path[i]][0], cities[path[i+1]][0]], [cities[path[i]][1], cities[path[i+1]][1]], c='r')
    plt.plot([cities[path[0]][0], cities[path[len(cities)-1]][0]], [cities[path[0]][1], cities[path[len(cities)-1]][1]], c='r')

# find fittest path called every generation
def find_fittest(routes_length, pop_size):
    key = 10000000000
    fittest = 0
    for i in range(pop_size):
        if routes_length[i] < key:
            key = routes_length[i]
            fittest = i
    return fittest

def SA(cities, distances):
    num = cities.shape[0]
    delta = 0.99
    t = 100
    tk = 1

    solution_new = np.arange(num)
    solution_current = solution_new.copy()
    value_current = 99999
    solution_best = solution_new.copy()
    value_best = 99999
    peak_length = []
    peak = []
    hillside = []
    hillside_length = []
    while t > tk:
        for i in np.arange(1000):
            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                while True:
                    loc1 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc2 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    if loc1 != loc2:
                solution_new[loc1], solution_new[loc2] = solution_new[loc2], solution_new[loc1]

                while True:
                    loc1 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc2 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc3 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    if (loc1 != loc2) & (loc2 != loc3) & (loc1 != loc3):

                if loc1 > loc2:
                    loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
                if loc2 > loc3:
                    loc2, loc3 = loc3, loc2
                if loc1 > loc2:
                    loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
                loc1_loc2 = solution_new[loc1:loc2].copy()
                solution_new[loc1:loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1] = solution_new[loc2:loc3 + 1].copy()
                solution_new[loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1:loc3 + 1] = loc1_loc2.copy()
            value_new = 0
            for j in range(num - 1):
                value_new += distances[solution_new[j]][solution_new[j + 1]]
            value_new += distances[solution_new[0]][solution_new[num - 1]]

            if value_new < value_current:
                value_current = value_new
                solution_current = solution_new.copy()

                if value_new < value_best:
                    value_best = value_new
                    solution_best = solution_new.copy()
                if np.random.rand() < np.exp(-(value_new - value_current) / t):
                    value_current = value_new
                    solution_current = solution_new.copy()
                    solution_new = solution_current.copy()
        t = delta * t

    return peak_length, peak, hillside_length, hillside

def main():
    cities = gen_cities(city_num=50, random_state=True)
    distances = get_distance_mateix(cities)
    best_lengths, beat_paths, hillside_length, hillside = SA(cities, distances)
    index = find_fittest(best_lengths, len(best_lengths))
    best_path = beat_paths[index]
    print("Best path is:", best_path, "with length", best_lengths[index], '\n')
    for i in range(len(hillside_length)):
        print('length=', hillside_length[i], '\n')
    for i in range(len(best_lengths)):
        print('peak_length=', best_lengths[i], '\n')
    plot_map(cities, beat_paths[index])

if __name__=="__main__":




  1. 扰动方式简单,退火算法中我仅仅采用二点交换与三角交换进行扰动,不需要有序交叉或者单点变异,极大程度地降低了结果地不稳定性。
  2. 资源要求少,退火算法的初始种群仅有1个,但是仍然能够以出色的概率找到全局最优解,本质上是节省了非常多的时间在搜索与筛选上面的
  3. 效果好,遗传算法在8点以前可以做到大于二分之一的概率找到全局最优解,但是超过9点之后出现全局最优解的概率几乎是零(我认为是路径变复杂后种群数量不足导致的)



import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# randomly generate the map with constraint of [-100, 100]
def gen_cities(city_num, random_state=True):
    if random_state:
        cities = (np.random.rand(city_num,2)-0.5)*200
        np.savetxt('cities.txt', cities)
        cities = np.loadtxt('cities.txt')
    return cities

# get distance matrix
def get_distance_mateix(cities):
    distances = np.zeros((len(cities), len(cities)))
    for i in range(len(cities)):
        for j in range(len(cities)):
            distances[i][j] = np.sqrt((cities[i][0]-cities[j][0])**2 + (cities[i][1]-cities[j][1])**2)

    return distances

# plot cities on a graph
def plot_map(cities, path):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10,10), dpi=100)
    plt.scatter(cities[:,0], cities[:,1], s=150)
    for i in range(len(cities)-1):
        plt.plot([cities[path[i]][0], cities[path[i+1]][0]], [cities[path[i]][1], cities[path[i+1]][1]], c='r')
    plt.plot([cities[path[0]][0], cities[path[len(cities)-1]][0]], [cities[path[0]][1], cities[path[len(cities)-1]][1]], c='r')

# calculates distance between 2 cities
def calc_distance(distances, city1, city2):
    return distances[city1][city2]  # ord('A')=65

# creates a random route
def create_route(cities):
    shuffled = random.sample(range(len(cities)), len(cities))
    return shuffled

# calculates length of an route
def calc_route_length(population, distances, cities, routes_length, fitness):
    pop_size = len(population)
    for i in range(pop_size):
        route_l = 0
        for j in range(1, len(cities)):
            route_l = route_l + calc_distance(distances, population[i][j - 1], population[i][j])
        # route_l = route_l + calc_distance(population[i][len(cities)-1], population[i][1]) calculate distance from last to first
        routes_length[i] = route_l
        fitness[i] = 1 / routes_length[i]
    return routes_length, fitness
    # pop_size = len(fitness)
    # for i in range(pop_size):
    #     route_l = 0
    #     for j in range(0, len(cities)-1):
    #         route_l += distances[population[i][j]][population[i][j + 1]]
    #     route_l += distances[population[i][0]][population[i][len(cities)-1]]
    #     routes_length[i] = route_l
    #     fitness[i] = 1 / route_l
    # print(routes_length)
    # return routes_length, fitness

# creates starting population
def create_population(pop_size, cities):
    population = []
    for i in range(pop_size):
    return population

def swap_mutation(ind, cities, population):
    a, b = random.sample(range(len(cities)), 2)
    population[ind][a], population[ind][b] = population[ind][b], population[ind][a]
    unique_cities = set()
    for city in population[ind]:
        if city in unique_cities:
            population[ind] = create_route(cities)

    return population

    # print("Mutated path: ", population[ind])

def partially_matched_crossover(ind1, ind2, cities):
    size = len(ind1)
    site1 = random.randint(0, size - 1)
    site2 = random.randint(site1 + 1, size)
    child1 = [-1] * size
    child2 = [-1] * size

    child1[site1:site2] = ind1[site1:site2]
    child2[site1:site2] = ind2[site1:site2]

    for i in range(size):
        if i < site1 or i >= site2:
            for j in range(size):
                if ind2[j] not in child1:
                    child1[i] = ind2[j]
            for j in range(size):
                if ind1[j] not in child2:
                    child2[i] = ind1[j]

    return child1, child2

"""********适应度缩放选择  减缓了轮盘选择的收敛  增加多样性*********"""

# function that picks a parent Fitness Proportionate Selection
def roulette_wheel_selection(pop_size, fitness):

    maximum = fitness[pop_size-1]
    minimum = fitness[0]

    a = (maximum - minimum) / (maximum - minimum + pop_size)
    b = maximum - a * maximum

    sum_fitness = sum(fitness)
    cumulative_probability = 0
    for i in range(pop_size):
        fitness[i] = (a * fitness[i] + b) / sum_fitness
        cumulative_probability += fitness[i]

    selected = random.uniform(0, 1)
    index = pop_size - 1
    for i in range(pop_size - 1):
        if fitness[i] < selected :
            fitness[i + 1] += fitness[i]
            index = i

    return index

def tuihuo(route, distances):
    delta = 0.99  #原来为0.99
    t = 100
    tk = 1

    solution_new = route
    solution_current = solution_new.copy()
    value_current = 99999
    solution_best = solution_new.copy()
    value_best = 99999

    peak_length = []
    peak = []
    hillside = []
    hillside_length = []

    while t > tk:
        for i in np.arange(1000):
            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                while True:
                    loc1 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc2 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    if loc1 != loc2:
                solution_new[loc1], solution_new[loc2] = solution_new[loc2], solution_new[loc1]

                while True:
                    loc1 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc2 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    loc3 = int(np.ceil(np.random.rand() * (num - 1)))
                    if (loc1 != loc2) & (loc2 != loc3) & (loc1 != loc3):

                if loc1 > loc2:
                    loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
                if loc2 > loc3:
                    loc2, loc3 = loc3, loc2
                if loc1 > loc2:
                    loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
                loc1_loc2 = solution_new[loc1:loc2].copy()
                solution_new[loc1:loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1] = solution_new[loc2:loc3 + 1].copy()
                solution_new[loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1:loc3 + 1] = loc1_loc2.copy()
            value_new = 0
            for j in range(num - 1):
                value_new += distances[solution_new[j]][solution_new[j + 1]]
            value_new += distances[solution_new[0]][solution_new[num - 1]]

            if value_new < value_current:
                value_current = value_new
                solution_current = solution_new.copy()
                # hillside_length.append(value_new)
                # hillside.append(solution_new)

                if value_new < value_best:
                    value_best = value_new
                    solution_best = solution_new.copy()
                    # peak_length.append(value_best)
                    # peak.append(solution_best)
                if np.random.rand() < np.exp(-(value_new - value_current) / t):
                    value_current = value_new
                    solution_current = solution_new.copy()
                    # hillside_length.append(value_new)
                    # hillside.append(solution_new)
                    solution_new = solution_current.copy()
        t = delta * t
    return solution_best

# find fittest path called every generation
def find_fittest(routes_length, pop_size):
    key = 10000000000
    fittest = 0
    for i in range(pop_size):
        if routes_length[i] < key:
            key = routes_length[i]
            fittest = i
    return fittest

# sorts parallely the lists
#def sort_alongside(routes_length, population):
#    routes_length, population = (list(i) for i in zip(*sorted(zip(routes_length, population))))

# initialize algorithm
def main():

    pop_size = 30
    mutate_prob = 0.1
    n_generations = 30
    routes_length = [0]*pop_size
    fitness = [0]*pop_size
    best_path = 10000000000

    cities = gen_cities(city_num=8,random_state=True)
    best_route = [0] * cities.shape[0]
    distances = get_distance_mateix(cities)
    population = create_population(pop_size=pop_size, cities=cities)
    # print("Population initialization:", "\n", population)
    routes_length, fitness = calc_route_length(population, distances, cities, routes_length, fitness)
    # print("Population's paths length:", "\n", routes_length)

    for j in range(n_generations):
        for i in range(0, pop_size, 2):
            # pick parents for crossover
            parent1 = roulette_wheel_selection(pop_size, fitness)
            parent2 = roulette_wheel_selection(pop_size, fitness)
            # always pick different parents (not necessary)
            while True:
                if parent1 == parent2:
                    parent2 = roulette_wheel_selection(pop_size, fitness)
            # update population
            population[i], population[i + 1] = partially_matched_crossover(population[parent1], population[parent2], cities)
            # calculate lengths for updated generation
            routes_length, fitness = calc_route_length(population, distances, cities, routes_length, fitness)

        # pick the paths for mutation based on a probability
        for i in range(pop_size):
            rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
            if rand < mutate_prob:
                population = swap_mutation(i, cities, population)

        if i % 5 == 0:
            for i in range(pop_size):
                population[i] = tuihuo(population[i], distances)

        # calculate lengths after mutation
        routes_length, fitness = calc_route_length(population, distances, cities, routes_length, fitness)

        # find best path overall
        if routes_length[find_fittest(routes_length, pop_size)] < best_path:
            index = find_fittest(routes_length, pop_size)
            best_path = routes_length[index]
            best_route = population[index]

        # print("Best route of generation", j+1, ": ", population[find_fittest()], "\n" "Route length: ",
        #     routes_length[find_fittest()])
        # print("Population of generation", j+1, ": \n", population)
        # print("Routes lengths:", routes_length, "\n")
    index = find_fittest(routes_length, pop_size)
    print("Best path is:", best_route, "with length", best_path)
    plot_map(cities, population[index])

if __name__=="__main__":


From: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_61546651/article/details/136969212


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