python3.9 + django4.1 + vue3 ,报错,无法访问配置的路由地址,Using the URLconf defined in StudentMgrBE.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
无法访问 地址,
Using the URLconf defined in StudentMgrBE.urls
, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
- admin/
The current path, api/v1/
, didn’t match any of these.
app中的 url.py内容如下,
报错了 :
RuntimeError: Conflicting 'faculty' models in application 'studentweb': <class 'apps.studentweb.models.Faculty'> and <class 'studentweb.models.Faculty'>.
不知道怎么解决 ;
标签:patterns,these,无法访问,StudentMgrBE,defined,报错 From: