打开 Excel 中的 Visual Basic 编辑器,键入以下代码:
Sub BatchDelete() Dim inputstr As String Dim result() As String Dim sheet_no() As String Dim start_end() As String Dim i, n, num, WS_Count As Integer Dim ws As Worksheet inputstr = InputBox("Please input lines what you want batch delete(split by ',').") result = Split(inputstr, ",") For i = LBound(result) To UBound(result) If InStr(1, result(i), ":", vbTextCompare) <= 0 Then ' not containing : result(i) = result(i) & ":" & result(i) End If Next inputstr = Join(result, ",") inputstr2 = InputBox("Please input sheets what you want batch delete(split by ',').", Title:="Batch delete in sheets.", Default:="1:" & ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count) sheet_no = Split(inputstr2, ",") For i = LBound(sheet_no) To UBound(sheet_no) If InStr(1, sheet_no(i), ":", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then ' containing : start_end = Split(sheet_no(i), ":") sheet_no(i) = start_end(0) For n = start_end(0) + 1 To start_end(1) sheet_no(i) = sheet_no(i) & "," & n Next End If Next inputstr2 = Join(sheet_no, ",") sheet_no = Split(inputstr2, ",") WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count For n = LBound(sheet_no) To UBound(sheet_no) num = CInt(sheet_no(n)) If num <= WS_Count Then Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(num) ws.Range(inputstr).Delete End If Next End Sub
填写需要删除的行号,逗号分隔,同时也支持用英文冒号连接数字来表示序号范围,如 3,5,7:11
填写要处理的工作表的Sheet序号,从左往右依次为 1, 2, 3, ...
多个序号用英文逗号间隔,同时也支持用英文冒号连接数字来表示序号范围,如 3,5,7:11