1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 with open('test','w',encoding='utf-8') as f: 3 '''插入数据''' 4 f.writelines('1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01\n') 5 f.writelines('2,chao zi,30,17886999022,HR,2015-05-03\n') 6 f.writelines('3,rain li,25,13832353221,Sales,2016-04-22\n') 7 f.writelines('4,mack ci,40,13456789876,HR,2009-03-01\n') 8 f.flush()View Code
- 根据年龄查询比输入年龄大的内容
- 查询输入部门的记录
- 根据年份查询记录
- 显示查询的记录条数
1 def search_text(): 2 '''#select name,age from staff_table where age > 22''' 3 global age, dept, year 4 choice= input('请选择进入哪个查询:年龄,部门,年份') 5 if choice =='年龄': 6 age =int(input('请输入年龄:')) 7 search_age() 8 elif choice=='部门': 9 dept =input('请输入部门') 10 search_dept() 11 elif choice=='年份': 12 year =input('请输入年份') 13 search_year() 14 else: 15 print('请输入正确的值') 16 def search_age(): 17 '''select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"''' 18 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: 19 n=0 20 for i in f: 21 x=i.split(',') 22 if int(x[2]) >age: 23 print('大于%s岁的是%s年龄是%s'%(age,x[1],x[2])) 24 n+=1 25 print('共找到%s条数据'%n) 26 27 def search_dept(): 28 '''#select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"''' 29 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: 30 n=0 31 for i in f: 32 x=i.split(',') 33 if x[4] ==dept: 34 print('在%s部门的是'%dept,i) 35 n+=1 36 print('共找到%s条数据' % n) 37 38 39 def search_year(): 40 '''#select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"''' 41 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: 42 n=0 43 for i in f: 44 x=i.split(',') 45 # print(x[5].startswith('2013')) 46 if x[5].startswith(year)==True: 47 print(i) 48 n+=1 49 print('共找到%s条数据' % n) 50 51 52 search_text()View Code
- phone唯一:要求比较文件里面的phone,判断是否存在,不存在则新增
- id自增:取文件里面id最大的值,在基础上加1
1 def insert_line(name,age,phone,dept,date): 2 '''可创建新员工纪录,以phone做唯一键,staff_id需自增wi''' 3 status =True 4 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: 5 id=[] 6 for i in f: 7 x=i.split(',') 8 if x[4] ==phone: 9 status=False 10 id.append(x[0]) 11 if status==True: 12 f.writelines('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s'%(int(max(id))+1,name,age,phone,dept,date)) 13 insert_line('zhang yun','22','17002991187','IT','2024-01-25')View Code
- 删除记录:读取原来的文件到新文件,如果是输入id则不写入到新文件
1 def del_line(id): 2 '''输入id删除该id的记录''' 3 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f ,\ 4 open('test1', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f1: 5 for i in f: 6 x=i.split(',') 7 if id ==int(x[0]): 8 continue 9 else : 10 f1.writelines(i) 11 12 del_line(2)View Code
- 同删除记录(同样是修改文件):读取原来的文件到新文件,如果遇到需要修改的内容,则替换为新内容再写入到新文件
1 def update_line(dept_old,dept_new): 2 '''UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" WHERE where dept = "IT"''' 3 with open('test','r+',encoding='utf-8')as f,open('test2','w+',encoding='utf-8')as f1: 4 for i in f: 5 x=i.split(',') 6 if x[4]==dept_old: 7 i=i.replace(dept_old,dept_new) 8 f1.writelines(i) 9 10 11 12 update_line('IT','Market')View Code
标签:utf,encoding,python,age,改查,dept,增删,open,id From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Little-Girl/p/17987105