摘 要
在本毕业设计中,前端开发方面使用了Vue.js和Element UI构建了一个带有搜索、筛选、发布、购买、订单管理等功能的Web应用程序。并且使用Vuex作为状态管理器,方便管理应用程序的多个组件之间的共享状态。同时,为了增加应用程序的可重用性和灵活性,将应用程序划分为多个组件,每个组件都可以独立开发、调试和测试。在Vue-router和axios的帮助下,实现一个完全响应式的单页面应用程序。组要功能包括:(1)用户登录与注册;(2)二手书籍搜索:(3)购物车功能;(4)书籍买卖。在后端开发方面使用Node.js和Express框架,对应用程序进行服务器端开发,同时使用MongoDB作为数据存储,对用户、书籍、订单信息进行管理和存储。
This design has completed the design and implementation of a second-hand book management system based on Vue2+elementUI. Under the development of modern mobile networks, unlike previous SMS, email, and radio transmissions, web pages are one of the main media for transmitting information to users. Books are also a medium for conveying information and knowledge to people. With the rapid development of book printing and publishing, as well as the advancement of social and cultural levels, more and more readers have made the book market stronger. As a result, more forests have been cut down in order to obtain the thesis needed to make books, increasing the pressure on environmental protection. With the gradual growth of online users, more and more people are trading second-hand books online through web pages or mini programs.
In this graduation design, the front-end development uses Vue. js and Element UI to build a Web application with search, filtering, publishing, purchase, order management and other functions. And using Vuex as a state manager facilitates the management of shared states between multiple components of the application. At the same time, in order to increase the reusability and flexibility of the application, the application is divided into multiple components, each of which can be independently developed, debugged and tested. With the help of Vue router and axios, implement a fully responsive single page application. The group functions include: (1) user login and registration; (2) Second hand book search: (3) Shopping cart function; (4) Book buying and selling. In terms of backend development, Node. js and Express frameworks are used for server-side development of applications, while MongoDB is used as data storage to manage and store user, book, and order information.
The ultimate implementation is a fully functional, smooth and easy-to-use second-hand book trading platform based on Vue2.0+node.js, providing users with a platform that can log in, register, buy, sell, and search for second-hand books. It has a good user experience and helps them communicate and trade second-hand books more conveniently. Through this system, users can easily add, edit, and delete book information. The system also provides a shopping cart function to help users better manage orders.
Key Words: Vue2.0, usedbooks, online retailers, nodeJs, book trading
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 项目开发意义 2
1.4 报告主要内容 2
第2章 关键技术介绍 3
2.1 前端开发技术 3
2.1.1 vue.js 3
2.1.2 element-UI 3
2.1.3 AJAX与AXIOS 3
2.2 后端开发技术 4
2.2.1 node.Js 4
2.2.2 MySQL数据库 4
2.3 本章小结 4
第3章 系统分析 5
3.1 二手书在线市场业务分析 5
3.1.1 UI分析 5
3.1.2 路由 6
3.1.3 权限 7
3.2 功能需求 8
3.2.1 用户登录功能 8
3.2.2 用户注册功能 8
3.2.3 书籍搜索功能 8
3.2.4 书籍上架功能以及购买功能 8
3.3 本章小结 9
第4章 系统设计和实现 10
4.1 系统技术架构 10
4.2 模块化编程 11
4.2.1 登录与注册模块 11
4.2.2 主页模块 13
4.2.3 购物车页面设计 14
4.2.4数据库 16
4.3 CSS与预处理器 17
4.4 数据托管与Vuex 17
第5章 系统测试 19
5.1 测试环境 19
5.1.1 硬件环境 19
5.1.2 软件环境 19
5.2 测试方案 19
5.2.1用户注册和登录的功能 19
5.2.2导航栏功能 20
5.2.3书籍列表功能 20
5.2.4添加书籍和编辑书籍的功能 21
5.2.5安性的测试 22
5.2.6稳定性和容错性的测试 22
第6章 总结与展望 23
6.1 开发工作总结 23
6.2 后续工作展望 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 26