摘 要
With the development of the Internet, learning by computer is a very popular way of learning at present. Although we can communicate and learn face to face through courses, we are often influenced by the limitations of region and space. However, learning through the network can break this limitation. For this reason, I developed the online learning platform website "Principles of Computer Composition" based on Python
The online learning platform of "Principles of Computer Composition" based on Python is developed according to the actual situation of the current pet environment. In the choice of system language, we use Python language, and the database is a small and flexible MySQL database. The development of this system can greatly improve the rescue management of pets.
This "Principles of Computer Composition" online learning platform uses Python language to develop, from the role of the user, teacher and administrator three parts, user functions are mainly in the front, the main content includes home page, registration and login, course information, course work, online examination, announcement information, background management and other functions. The background part is mainly for administrators and teachers to use, the main functions include the system home page, personal center, student management, teacher management, course type management, course information management, course work management, job submission management, online examination management, question management, system management, test management and other operations. Through this system can basically meet the needs of online learning.
Key words: computer composition principle, online learning, MySQL, Python
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2开发意义 1
1.3研究内容和论文结构 1
第2章 关键技术介绍 3
2.1 PYTHON语言介绍 3
2.2 PYCHARM介绍 3
2.3 MYSQL数据库介绍 4
第3章 系统分析 5
3.1 需求分析 5
3.2 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站可行性分析 5
3.2.1技术可行性 5
3.2.2操作可行性 5
3.2.3经济可行性 5
3.1.4法律可行性 6
第4章 系统设计 7
4.1 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站功能结构设计 7
4.2 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站数据库设计 7
第5章 系统详细设计 13
5.1 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站前台部分设计 13
5.1.1 系统首页 13
5.1.2用户注册 13
5.1.3用户登录 14
5.1.4新闻公告 15
5.1.5课程信息 16
5.1.6作业管理 17
5.1.7在线考试 19
5.2 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站后台部分设计 19
5.2.1管理员登录模块的实现 19
5.2.2学生管理 20
5.2.3教师管理 21
5.2.4课程信息管理 22
5.2.5课程作业管理 24
第6章 系统测试 26
6.1 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站的测试目的 26
6.2 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站的测试方法 26
6.3 基于PYTHON的《计算机组成原理》在线学习平台网站的测试用例 27
总结 29
致谢语 30
参考文献: 31
标签:management,计算机,课程,Python,学习,源码,毕业设计,在线 From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15745565/7941826