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[908] Implementation of the progress bar in Python

时间:2023-10-17 13:23:25浏览次数:36  
标签:tqdm bar Implementation 908 Python iterations progress loop

You can implement a progress bar in Python to visually represent the progress of a task using various libraries. One commonly used library for this purpose is tqdm. Here's how to use tqdm to create a simple progress bar:

  1. First, you need to install tqdm if you haven't already. You can install it using pip:

    pip install tqdm
  2. Then, you can use tqdm in your Python script to create a progress bar. Here's a basic example:

    from tqdm import tqdm
    import time
    # Define the number of iterations (e.g., the length of a loop)
    total_iterations = 100
    # Create a tqdm instance and loop through your task
    for i in tqdm(range(total_iterations), desc="Processing", unit="iteration"):
        # Your code here
        # Simulate a time-consuming task
    print("Task completed!")

    In the above code, you import tqdm, define the total number of iterations, and then create a tqdm progress bar using the tqdm function. The progress bar updates as you iterate through the loop, and it provides information like the progress percentage and the elapsed time. The desc parameter specifies the description, and the unit parameter specifies the unit of measurement for the progress bar.

  3. When you run the script, you'll see a progress bar that updates as the loop iterates. Once the loop is complete, you'll see "Task completed!".

You can customize the progress bar's appearance and behavior by adjusting various parameters in the tqdm function. tqdm is a versatile library and provides a range of options for creating progress bars tailored to your specific needs.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/alex-bn-lee/p/17769455.html


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