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时间:2023-10-17 11:22:38浏览次数:43  
标签:language 象学 mastery C++ years will 功夫 they

How can I completely master the C++ language?

Learning C++ is a lot like learning kung fu. There is always someone who knows more kung fu. You can practice. You can improve. You can get so good that you give lessons to others, maybe write books. But somebody always knows more kung fu.

If you don’t already know another object oriented programming language, it takes about two full-time years of work to acquire a journeyman’s proficiency with C++. This is not mastery. It is proficiency. You will continue to improve for the next 8 full-time years of working in C++. This is expert knowledge, but it is not mastery.

To obtain mastery, you must make an effort to learn and use every feature in the language and the standard libraries. You must follow developments in the standard, since in 10 years, you will probably see three or four new standard versions. This is complete understanding, but it is not mastery.

When will you master C++? The answer is very Zen. When you have mastered C++, you will know it is true in your head, in your muscles, in your bones, with the assurance of reflexes honed by years of practice. No one can tell you. Some people know that they will never master C++. Some people, proud of their early learning or their fine college education, believe falsely that they have mastered C++ after six months, or two years, or ten. But when they achieve true mastery, they will realize they were mistaken before.

And there is always someone who knows more C++.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/uceec00/p/17769264.html


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