def is_chinese(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是汉字""" if uchar >= u'\u4e00' and uchar <= u'\u9fa5': return True else: return False def is_number(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是半角数字""" if uchar >= u'\u0030' and uchar <= u'\u0039': return True else: return False def is_Qnumber(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是全角数字""" if uchar >= u'\uff10' and uchar <= u'\uff19': return True else: return False def is_alphabet(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是半角英文字母""" if (uchar >= u'\u0041' and uchar <= u'\u005a') or (uchar >= u'\u0061' and uchar <= u'\u007a'): return True else: return False def is_Qalphabet(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是全角英文字母""" if (uchar >= u'\uff21' and uchar <= u'\uff3a') or (uchar >= u'\uff41' and uchar <= u'\uff5a'): return True else: return False def is_other(uchar): """判断是否非汉字,数字和英文字符""" if not (is_chinese(uchar) or is_number(uchar) or is_alphabet(uchar)): return True else: return False def B2Q(uchar): """单个字符 半角转全角""" inside_code = ord(uchar) if inside_code < 0x0020 or inside_code > 0x7e: # 不是半角字符就返回原来的字符 return uchar if inside_code == 0x0020: # 除了空格其他的全角半角的公式为: 半角 = 全角 - 0xfee0 inside_code = 0x3000 else: inside_code += 0xfee0 return chr(inside_code) def Q2B(uchar): """单个字符 全角转半角""" inside_code = ord(uchar) if inside_code == 0x3000: inside_code = 0x0020 else: inside_code -= 0xfee0 if inside_code < 0x0020 or inside_code > 0x7e: # 转完之后不是半角字符返回原来的字符 return uchar return chr(inside_code) def stringQ2B(ustring): """把字符串全角转半角""" return "".join([Q2B(uchar) for uchar in ustring]) def stringB2Q(ustring): """把字符串半角转全角""" return "".join([B2Q(uchar) for uchar in ustring])
标签:code,return,全角,inside,半角,python,uchar,互转 From: