首页 > 编程语言 >Node.js 使用 officecrypto-tool 读取加密的 Excel (xls, xlsx) 和 Word( docx)文档

Node.js 使用 officecrypto-tool 读取加密的 Excel (xls, xlsx) 和 Word( docx)文档

时间:2023-09-05 18:22:04浏览次数:41  
标签:Node xlsx docx const officeCrypto await output input

Node.js 使用 officecrypto-tool 读取加密的 Excel (xls, xlsx) 和 Word( docx)文档, 还支持 xlsx 和 docx 文件的加密(具体使用看文档)。暂时不支持doc文件的解密


读取加密的 Excel 示例

// 只支持 xlsx, xlsx-populate  自带了解密功能,
// 不过只支持 ecma376 agile 模式,也就是Office 生成的加密的docx,
// WPS的就不行, WPS用的是 ecma376 standard 模式
const XlsxPopulate = require('xlsx-populate');
(async ()=>{
    const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xlsx`);
    const output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = await XlsxPopulate.fromDataAsync(output);

    // 或者可先判断文件是否是加密的
    const isEncrypted = officeCrypto.isEncrypted(input);
    let output = input;
    if (isEncrypted) {
        output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = await XlsxPopulate.fromDataAsync(output);

二:@zurmokeeper/exceljs https://www.npmjs.com/package/@zurmokeeper/exceljs

// 只支持 xlsx @zurmokeeper/exceljs 直接内置了解密功能,完全兼容exceljs v4.3.0
const Excel = require('@zurmokeeper/exceljs');
(async ()=>{
    // 从文件读取, 解密使用密码加密的excel文件
    const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
    await workbook.xlsx.readFile(filename, {password:'123456'});

    // 从流读取, 解密使用密码加密的excel文件
    const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
    await workbook.xlsx.read(stream, {password:'123456'});

    // 从 buffer 加载, 解密使用密码加密的excel文件
    const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
    await workbook.xlsx.load(data, {password:'123456'});

// xlsx 支持 xls 和 xlsx
const XLSX = require('xlsx');
(async ()=>{
    const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xlsx`);
    // const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xls`); // 或者xls
    const output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = XLSX.read(output);

    // 或者可先判断文件是否是加密的
    const isEncrypted = officeCrypto.isEncrypted(input);
    let output = input;
    if (isEncrypted) {
        output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = XLSX.read(output);

// 其实 node-xlsx 只是对xlsx 进行了封装,里面还是调用 xlsx 去解析的
const nodeXlsx = require('node-xlsx');
(async ()=>{
    const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xlsx`);
    // const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xls`); // 或者xls
    const output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = nodeXlsx.parse(output);

    // 或者可先判断文件是否是加密的
    const isEncrypted = officeCrypto.isEncrypted(input);
    let output = input;
    if (isEncrypted) {
        output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    const workbook = nodeXlsx.parse(output);

读取加密的 Word 示例

使用:mammoth officecrypto-tool

const officeCrypto = require('officecrypto-tool');
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const mammoth = require('mammoth');
(async ()=>{
    const input = await fs.readFile(`pass_test.xlsx`);
    const output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    await mammoth.convertToHtml({buffer: output});

    // 或者可先判断文件是否是加密的
    const isEncrypted = officeCrypto.isEncrypted(input);
    let output = input;
    if (isEncrypted) {
        output = await officeCrypto.decrypt(input, {password: '123456'});
    await mammoth.convertToHtml({buffer: output});

使用其他的word读取库也是一样的道理,先使用 officecrypto-tool 解密以后再用对应的库去处理

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zurmokeeper/p/17680477.html


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