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标签:structures list should will 算法 数据结构 data your COMP3506

Assignment One – 15%
Algorithms and Data Structures – COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
Due: 3pm on Friday September 1st (week 6)
The main objective of this assignment is to get your hands dirty with some simple data structures
and algorithms to solve basic computational problems. These data structures will also come in handy
for your second assignment, so you should take your time to think about your implementations and
try to make them as efficient as possible.
1 Getting Started
Before we get into the nitty gritty, we will discuss the skeleton codebase that will form
the basis of your implementations, and provide some rules that must be followed when
implementing your solutions.
1.1 Codebase
The codebase contains a number of data structures stubs that you should implement, as well
as some scripts that allow your code to be tested. Figure 1 shows a snapshot of the project
directory tree with the different files categorized.
Figure 1 The directory tree organized by data structures (inside the structures directory), test
data (inside the data directory), and the two executable programs (in the root directory).
1.2 Implementation Rules
The following list outlines some important information regarding the skeleton code, and your
implementation. If you have any doubts, please ask on Ed discussion.
The code is written in Python and, in particular, should be executed with Python 3
or higher. The EAIT student server, moss, has Python 3.6.8 installed by default. We
recommend using moss for the development and testing of your assignment, but you can
use your own system if you wish.
?You are not allowed to use built-in methods or data structures – this is an algorithms and
data structures course, after all. If you want to use a dict (aka {}), you will need to imple-
ment that yourself. Lists can be used as “dumb arrays” by manually allocating space like
2 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
myArray = [None] * 10 but you may not use built-ins like append, clear, count,
copy, extend, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, sort, min, max, and so
on. List slicing is also prohibited, as are functions like sorted, len, reversed, zip.
Be sensible – if you need the functionality provided by these methods, you may implement
them yourself. Similarly, don’t use any other collections or structures such as set or
tuple (for example; mytup = ("abc", 123)).
You are not allowed to use libraries such as numpy, pandas, scipy, collections, and so
Exceptions: The only additional libraries you can use are random and math. You are
allowed to use range and enumerate to handle looping.
2 Task 1: Data Structures (7 marks for 3506, 9 marks for 7505)
We’ll start off by implementing some fundamental (but very important) data structures. As
you will see, both linked lists (Task 1.1) and extensible lists (Task 1.2) can be used as the
basis of a variety of other structures including stacks (Task 1.3).
Task 1.1: Fix the Singly Linked List (1 mark)
Your first task is to examine the m_single_linked_list.py file to see how a canonical
linked list can be implemented. There are two classes inside this file: the SingleNode is the
structure that holds both the satellite data object, as well as a pointer (aka reference) to the
location of the next node; the SingleLinkedList is the structure that keeps track of the head of
the list, the size of the list (the number of nodes in the chain), and also the implementation
of various functionality.
You should read each method and the constructors to understand the code, and find
the two bugs in the implementation. You should fix those bugs once you find them, but
do not edit anything else. There is a sample test suite that you can run via python3
test_structures.py --linked-list.1 You are free to modify this test method as much
as you want — this is a good way to locate and fix the bugs! Note that the autograder will
also give you some basic test results, so you can check your solution there (by submitting
your work) as well.
Task 1.2: Implement an Extensible List (2 marks)
Unlike the linked lists discussed above, which can store nodes at any abitrary location in
memory, we often prefer to have data items stored contiguously (consecutively in memory),
allowing us to access an element x at some index i in constant time. One such way to achieve
this is through the use of an extensible list (aka a dynamic array).
The file m_extensible_list.py contains a skeleton object for you to implement. You
should store your data in self._data, and you can add any other member variables to your
ExtensibleList object. Each function that needs to be supported is provided as a stub. Your
implementations should be efficient and correct. You will need to implement your own
tests and run them using python3 test_structures.py --ex-list. (See Ed posts #34
and #128 for more useful discussion on this class.)
1 Depending on your version of Python or how it was installed, you might need to substitute the python3
call with something else.
Assignment 1 3
Task 1.3: Implement a Stack or two... (4 marks)
Recall that a stack provides last-in-first-out (LIFO)2 ordering of the data, with constant-time
access to the most recently pushed element.
Our last objective in this part is to implement two different stacks (see m_stack.py).
The first is called an EStack and will inherit our ExtensibleList as the underlying data storage
mechanism. The second is called an LStack and will inherit the SingleLinkedList as the storage
Since we have two stack versions, you will need to decide which methods to override (if any)
from the base classes, and implement the push(x), pop(), peek(), and empty() functionality
in the stack classes themselves. You must override any functions from the base classes
that should not be called by your stack (we wouldn’t want to call find_and_remove(x) on
a stack, for example) to avoid any accidents. (See ed discussion #99 for more information).
Implement test cases and run them using python3 test_structures.py --ex-stack
and python3 test_structures.py --linked-stack.
Task 1.4: Benchmark Stacks (2 marks for COMP7505)
→ Optional and Unmarked for COMP3506
Our final objective in this part is to benchmark your stacks. In particular, you should
look at the benchmark_stacks() function inside test_structures.py to see how a basic
microbenchmark can be implemented. In this case, we simply generate a fixed number of
random integers, push them all onto the stack, and pop them all out again, measuring the time
taken. The benchmark can be executed via python3 test_structures.py --bench-stacks
1000 where 1000 represents the number of random integers to generate in the benchmark.
Consider the expected rate of growth of runtime when increasing n – the expected
complexity of both push(x) and pop() – what do you expect to see happen as you increase
n in the benchmark?
You should run the benchmark with 10 different values of n (your choice, but try to use
values that provide timings greater than 0.1 seconds at a minimum) and record the output
in a file called stackbench.txt. You should use the specified format as we will be using
scripts to extract the information (space or tab delimiting is OK). Please see Figure for
more details.
If you are a COMP3506 student and you wish to submit your benchmark, please use the
filename stackbench-3506.txt.
1 [n val] [EStack time] [LStack time] 1 1000 3.5 4.7
2 [n val] [EStack time] [LStack time] 2 10000 10.1 11.6
3 [n val] [EStack time] [LStack time] 3 100000 22.8 31.3
4 [n val] [EStack time] [LStack time] 4 1000000 32.2 40.6
5 [n val] [EStack time] [LStack time] 5 10000000 50.7 101.5
Figure 2 The format of the stackbench.txt file (left) and an example output (right). Note: The
values are examples only, and only the first 5 of 10 lines are displayed.
2 This is the same as saying first-in-last-out, FILO.
4 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
3 Task 2: Problem Solving with Data Structures (8 marks)
You are a bioinformatician working at Frankenstein LabsTM, a world leader in futuristic
genome editing technology that has promising applications for anti-ageing, cloning, and
superhuman intelligence. As a bioinformatician, you often work with DNA data. DNA data
is represented as a string S of length |S| over an alphabet Σ = {a, c, g, t}. Each character
represents a different base (a is adenine, c is cytosine, g is guanine, and t is thymine). For
example, a sequence might look like S = gaatacgg where |S| = 8.
One of the latest innovations from Frankenstein Labs is known as the DNA-RefGrid which,
among other things, can be used to fold multiple strands of DNA together in interesting
(and sometimes frightening!) ways. The DNA-RefGrid is a simple n× |S| matrix containing n
different strands of DNA, each of the same initial length |S|, and can be represented as a text
file. The following example shows a DNA-RefGrid file containing n = 4 strings with |S| = 12:
Figure 3 The format of the .refgrid file type.
Getting Started
We have provided you with an executable program called execute_refgrid.py that contains
a RefGrid class. You need to implement the functionality inside that class to solve the
following tasks. To get you started, we provide code that can read a .refgrid file into a
singly linked list (self.linkedlist) or an extensible list (self.extlist) once correctly
implemented. You are free to (and should) utilize your data structures from Task 1 within
the implementation of your RefGrid class where appropriate.
Task 2.1: Sequence Reversal (2 marks)
Given the RefGrid loaded into the self.linkedlist structure, your first task is to implement
a method that reverses the k th sequence of the RefGrid in linear time. This functionality
can be tested using the --reverse-k argument to the execute_refgrid.py program. For
example, assuming the example file in Figure 3 is stored in example.refgrid, then running
python3 execute_refgrid.py --refgrid my.refgrid --reverse-k 2 should output:
Note the value of k is zero-indexed, and that you should validate the value of k and
handle out-of-bounds cases elegantly (just ignore the reversal and store the file as-is). This
method should be destructive (it should modify the stored data in place, not generate a new
copy of the data). Hint: One of your stacks might come in handy here.
Assignment 1 5
Task 2.2: Grid-Based Cutting and Splicing (3 marks)
Your next task is to implement cut-and-splice routine. The idea is as follows. Given a pattern
P and a target sequence T , replace all occurrences of P with T . To simplify this task, you
may assume that both P and T make use of each base just once (that is, you can not supply
a pattern or target like gg or ttccc) and that both P and T are not empty.
For example, given an initial string S = gtcaggtcccaccgcc, P = ca and T = cgt, the
cut-and-splice would look like:
gtcaggtcccaccgcc (before)
gtcgtggtcccgtccgcc (after)
Although we are not operating on a single string S, but rather a RefGrid with n strings, the
cut-and-splice operation works the same on a per-sequence basis. Thus, you need to take care
not to allow pattern matches across sequences, only within each sequence. Again, this method
should be destructive and modify the stored data in place, instead of generating a new copy of
the data. You should use the linked list to store/modify the original RefGrid, and use the ex-
tensible list to store the length of each row; implement the stringify_spliced_linkedlist
function to handle printing the spliced data. Test via: python3 execute_refgrid.py
--refgrid my.refgrid --cut-and-splice pattern:target
Task 2.3: Cloning Viability (3 marks)
The holy grail of Frankenstein Labs is their cloning technology. However, in order to determine
whether a series of DNA sequences (as provided in a RefGrid) are viable for cloning, an
algorithm needs to determine if there is an L-path through the sequences. An L-path is
simply described as a path through the RefGrid from the top-left to the bottom-right that
matches the following conditions: (1) The path consists of entirely the same base; and (2)
The path can only ever go downwards or to the right.
gtaca atgca
gggaa attgt
ccggg tcgca
ctgag ggtca
Figure 4 The sequences in the left RefGrid are viable for cloning, but those in the right are not.
You need to implement an algorithm that returns True if an L-path exists, or False
otherwise. Luckily, your colleague and renowned algorithms legend Barry Malloc has been
thinking about how to solve this problem and has given you his notes. Use Barry’s notes
to help you implement the left and below helper functions, and to then implement his
solution in Algorithm 1. Test via: python3 execute_refgrid.py --refgrid my.refgrid
--check-clone To make things a little bit easier, you may assume that the input RefGrid
has not been subject to any cutting and splicing (so all rows are of the same length).
Barry Malloc to the Rescue
We will read the input data, in order, into one single extensible list (A in Algorithm 1).
We will initialize a stack to keep track of our traversal, and a linked list to keep track of
indexes we have visited.
6 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
We need to write two helper functions that allow us to map from a given array index i to
a new index j, see Figure 5:
The first will map index i to the index of the element to the right; call it right(i). It
will return 0 if there is nothing to our right.
The second will map index i to the index of the element below; call it below(i). It
will return 0 if there is nothing below.
We can now solve our problem using a stack of array indexes (Algorithm 1).
right(3)= 4
gtacgttagcgtagtc gcgtagtc
Input File
The right(i) function returns the index of the
element to the right of index i if valid, 0 otherwise.
Read to ExtensibleList
8 16 24
right(7)= 0
3 11
below(3)= 11 gtacgtta
Note: row k will begin at index k*|S|
Row 0 starts at 0 * 8 = 0
Row 1 starts at 1 * 8 = 8
...n = 4, |S| = 8 -> Length = 8*4=32
below(26)= 0
The below(i) function returns the index of the
element below index i if valid, 0 otherwise.
3 4
Figure 5 Barry’s diagrams showing how to map the 2-dimensional RefGrid into a single list, and
then how the helper functions work on that single list.
Assignment 1 7
Algorithm 1 A stack-based algorithm to solve the cloning viability problem. Assumes you have
read the input into an ExtensibleList called A that can be accessed throughout the computation.
1: procedure IsViable(A)
2: myStack ← ? ? Make an empty stack
3: visited ← ? ? Make an empty linked list to keep track of visited indexes
4: cur ← 0 ? Start index is the top-left
5: end ← A.length? 1 ? End index is the bottom-right
6: base ← A[cur ] ? This is the target base character
7: Push(myStack, cur)
8: Insert(visited, cur)
9: while NotEmpty(myStack) and cur != end do
10: cur = Pop(mystack) ? Get the next candidate cell (index)
11: r_idx = Right(A, cur) ? Compute the right cell index
12: b_idx = Below(A, cur) ? Compute the below cell index
13: ? If the element to our right matches the target base and has not been visited
14: if r_idx != 0 and A[r_idx] == base and r_idx is not in visited then
15: Push(myStack, r_idx) ? This is a candidate path
16: Insert(visited, r_idx) ? Mark as visited
17: end if
18: ? If the element below matches the target base and has not been visited
19: if b_idx != 0 and A[b_idx] == base and b_idx is not in visited then
20: Push(myStack, b_idx) ? This is a candidate path
21: Insert(visited, b_idx) ? Mark as visited
22: end if
23: end while
24: if cur == end then ? We found an L-Path!
25: return True
26: end if
27: return False ? We have exhausted our options and there is no L-Path
28: end procedure
8 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
4 Assessment
This section briefly describes how your assignment will be assessed.
4.1 Mark Allocation
Marks will be provided based on an extensive (hidden) set of unit tests. These tests will do
their best to break your data structure in terms of time and/or correctness, so you need to
pay careful attention to the efficiency and the validity of your code. Each test passed will
carry some weight, and your autograder score will be computed based on the outcome of the
test suite. If you did not rigorously test your programs/code, you should go back and do so!
The marks (percentages) provided in each task above are indicative of the total score
available for each part, but marks may be taken off for poor coding style including lack of
commenting, inefficient solutions, and incorrect solutions. Our code quality checks are not as
strict as PEP8, but we assume typical best practices are used such as informative variable
and function names, commenting, and breaking long lines. While the overall grade/score
will be calculated mathematically, an indicative rubric is provided as follows:
Excellent: Passes at least 90% of test cases, failing only sophisticated or tricky tests;
well structured and commented code; appropriate design choices; appropriate application
of data structures for solving Task 2.
Good: Passes at least 80% of test cases, failing one or two simple tests; well structured
and commented code; good design choices with some minor improvements possible; good
application of data structures for solving Task 2 with some minor improvements possible.
Satisfactory: Passes at least 70% of test cases; code is reasonably well structured with
some comments; most design choices are reasonable but significant room for improvement;
reasonable application of data structures for solving Task 2, but significant improvements
Poor: Passes less than 70% of test cases; code is difficult to read, not well structured, or
lacks comments; design choices do not demonstrate a sound understanding of the desired
functionality; little or no suitable application of data structures towards solving Task 2.
4.2 Plagiarism and Generative AI
It’s 2023; we know all about generative AI technology like ChatGPT or Github Copilot. The
course ECP actually has a statement about the use of such technology, repeated here:
It is the position of UQ that the use of AI outputs without attribution, and contrary
to any direction by teaching staff, is a form of plagiarism and constitutes academic
misconduct. The assessment tasks evaluate students’ abilities, skills and knowledge
without the aid of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the
use of AI technologies to develop responses without attribution is strictly prohibited
and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
If you want to actually learn something in this course, our recommendation is that you
avoid using such tools: You need to think about what you are doing, and why, in order to
put the theory (what we talk about in the lectures and tutorials) into practical knowledge
that you can use, and this is often what makes things “click” when learning. Mindlessly
lifting code from an AI engine won’t teach you how to solve algorithms problems.
Assignment 1 9
If you are still tempted, note that we will be running your assignments through sophistic-
ated software similarity checking systems against a number of samples including including
your classmates and our own solutions (including 30 AI generated). Note also that the exam
may contain questions or scenarios derived from those presented in the assignment work, so
cheating could weaken your chances of successfully passing the exam.
As part of your submission, you should create a file called statement.txt containing
the following text:
I, [firstname lastname (studentid)], hereby declare that this is my own original work,
and that no part of this assignment has been copied from any other source or person
except where due acknowledgement is made; no part of the work has been previously
submitted for assessment in this or any other institution except where explicitly
acknowledged; I/We have read PPL 3.60.04, UQ’s Student Integrity and Misconduct
Policy and understand its implications; and I have not used Generative AI to assist
me with my assignment.
In the same file, you should then provide attribution to any sources or tools used to help you
with your assignment, including any prompts provided to AI tooling.
5 Submission
You need to submit your solution to Gradescope under the Assignment 1: Autograder link
in your dashboard. Once you submit your solution, a series of tests will be conducted and
the results will be provided to you. However, the assessment will also include a number of
additional hidden tests, so you should make sure you test your solutions extensively. You
may resubmit as often as you like before the deadline.
The easiest way to submit your solution is to submit a .zip file. The autograder expects a
specific directory structure for your solution, and the tests will fail if you do not use this
structure. In particular, you should use the same structure as the skeleton codebase that was
provided. Your root directory should contain the execute_refgrid.py file, and a subdirect-
ory structures/ with the other data structure files (such as m_singly_linked_list.py).
Note that you do not need to submit the data/ directory but you can if you wish. You should
also have the statement.txt and stackbench.txt (or stackbench-3506.txt if you are a
COMP3506 student participating in Task 1.4). Submissions without the statement.txt
will be given zero marks.
6 Resources
We provide a number of useful git and/or unix resources to help you get started. Please go
onto the Blackboard LMS and see the Learning Resources > Resources directory for more
information. There are also plenty of posts on Ed and a FAQ pinned at the top of Ed for
your reference.
10 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2023
7 Changelog
V1.1: Updated an erroneous example call to refgrid.py throughout the document
(should have been execute_refgrid.py). Also added Resources section.
V1.2: Strengthened the wording around the requirements to override unused methods in
the stack implementations. Added a few pointers to Ed posts where appropriate. Clarified
code quality checks. Note that V1.2 changes are shown in Blue.
V1.3: Fixed arithmetic error in Figure 5. Previously we had 7*4 = 32. No colour reflecting


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/goodnewss/p/17672780.html
