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maven-resources-production:igowin-core: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java hea

时间:2023-07-20 12:32:54浏览次数:76  
标签:lang core java Maven JVM memory OutOfMemoryError resource resources

Maven Resources Production: Out of Memory Error in Java


In Java, the OutOfMemoryError is a common exception that occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot allocate enough memory to perform an operation. This error is often encountered when running Maven tasks, such as building or packaging a project. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of the OutOfMemoryError when executing the maven-resources-production:igowin-core task and provide potential solutions to mitigate this issue.

Understanding OutOfMemoryError

OutOfMemoryError is a subclass of the java.lang.VirtualMachineError class, which is thrown by the JVM when it cannot allocate an object because it is out of memory. This error typically occurs when the JVM heap size is not large enough to accommodate the application's memory requirements.

The heap is the runtime data area in which objects are allocated, and it is divided into two main regions: the young generation and the old generation. The young generation stores recently created objects, while the old generation stores objects that have survived multiple garbage collection cycles. When the heap is full and there is no more space for new objects, the JVM throws an OutOfMemoryError.

Causes of OutOfMemoryError in Maven Resources Production

The maven-resources-production:igowin-core task is responsible for processing and filtering project resources, such as configuration files, property files, and templates. This task can consume a large amount of memory, especially if the project contains numerous resources or if the resources themselves are memory-intensive.

  • Insufficient JVM Heap Size: By default, Maven uses a small heap size for its execution. If the project's resource processing requires more memory than the allocated heap size, an OutOfMemoryError can occur.

  • Large Resource Files: If the project contains large resource files, such as images or videos, the JVM may struggle to process them due to memory constraints.

  • Inefficient Resource Filtering: If the Maven resource filtering process is not optimized or if it requires excessive memory usage, an OutOfMemoryError may occur.

Resolving OutOfMemoryError

To resolve the OutOfMemoryError in Maven resources production, we can take the following steps:

  1. Increase JVM Heap Size: We can allocate more memory to the JVM by increasing the -Xmx parameter in the Maven execution configuration. For example, we can set -Xmx2g to allocate 2GB of memory to the JVM. This can be done by modifying the Maven settings.xml or by adding the -Xmx parameter directly to the Maven command.

  2. Optimize Resource Filtering: If the Maven resource filtering process is causing the OutOfMemoryError, we can optimize it by excluding unnecessary resources or by using more efficient resource filtering techniques. For example, we can specify specific resource folders to filter instead of filtering the entire project.

  3. Split Large Resources: If the project contains large resource files, we can split them into smaller files or compress them to reduce their memory footprint. This can be done by using image compression techniques or by splitting large files into smaller chunks.

  4. Use Maven Plugin Configuration: Some Maven plugins provide configuration options to control memory usage. For example, we can configure the maven-resources-plugin to use less memory by setting appropriate parameters such as maxBufferedMemory or maxUncompressedSize.

Example Code


In the above example, we configure the maven-resources-plugin to limit the maximum buffered memory to 512 MB. This can help prevent OutOfMemoryError by reducing the memory used during resource processing.


OutOfMemoryError is a common issue encountered during Maven resource production tasks, such as maven-resources-production:igowin-core. By increasing the JVM heap size, optimizing resource filtering, and splitting large resources, we can mitigate and resolve this error. It is essential to understand the causes of OutOfMemoryError and take appropriate actions to ensure smooth execution of Maven tasks.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16175427/6784400


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