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[Javascript] Rendering process

时间:2023-06-11 18:13:34浏览次数:43  
标签:elements like render DOM process Javascript tree Rendering nodes


DOM (Documnet Object Model) Tree:

When a web page is loaded, the browser reads the HTML and builds the DOM tree. The DOM is a tree-like structure that represents the content of the webpage. Each HTML tag becomes a node in the tree, and these nodes can have child nodes based on the HTML nesting. 


CSSOM (CSS Object Model) Tree:

Parallel to the construction of the DOM, the browser also builds the CSSOM tree. This is another tree-like structure that is built by reading the CSS styles that apply to the webpage. Each CSS rule becomes a part of this tree, which is used to determine how the nodes in the DOM should be styled.


Render Tree:

Once the browser has both the DOM and CSSOM trees, it combines them into the render tree. The render tree includes all the visual DOM nodes from the DOM tree along with their respective styles from the CSSOM. It doesn't include non-visual nodes like <head>, <script>, and <meta> or nodes that are hidden via CSS (like elements with display: none)


Layout (or Reflow):

After the render tree is built, the browser goes through a "layout" process, sometimes called "reflow". In this step, the browser calculates the exact position and size each node in the render tree should have on the screen. It takes into account the viewport size, the position and size of all elements, and how they interact with each other.



After the layout phase, the browser "paints" the render tree, turning each node into actual pixels on the screen. This involves drawing out text, colors, images, borders, and shadows, basically every visual part of the elements


Some elements have special styles like transform or opacity that can be layered separately onto the page. After painting, these elements are composited onto the page, meaning they are drawn over the top of the other elements.


Displaying Page:

The final output after all these steps is a pixel-perfect webpage displayed on your screen.


Answer: D

A: Wrong, because Render tree doesn't contain all the elements, not include non-visible elements or `::before` & `::after` elements.

B: Not just based on z-index, Compositing is the process of layering painted elements (or 'layers') onto the screen to create the final visual output. Compositing does take into account the stacking context (which z-index is a part of), but it also considers other CSS properties like opacity, transformations (like rotate or scale), and certain types of filters.

C: Painting consider color, layout doesn't.

E: None-visible elements are in the DOM tree, just not in the render tree.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/17473295.html


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