Usage oflaboratories like physical laboratory is in chaos today. In order to change the condition, we desined a desktop control system for theselaboratories. This system con- sists of clients andserver two parts. Clients have four small systems, called entrance guard system, communication system, desktop system and card reading system.Entrance guard system is designed to control the door and assignseats to students. Communication system id designedto pass socket messages between server and desktop systems. Desktop system is designed to control the power of each seat. And card reading system isdesigned to get the card number which is need by server. Server also has twoparts. One called message deal promgram, whichlistens on port 4321 to handle different socket messages. Another called server management platform, providing classroom manage, lecturemanage, usage search, temp open and card binding five function, isdesigned for manager to search and update data for system.With this system, laboratories will no longer be in chaos.
Keywords: Arduino;Laboratory Management; RFID; Socket; Management Platform;
标签:桌面,Arduino,教室,system,管理软件,Java,desktop,card From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16075443/6365617