程序通过计算 jar 包的 sha1 摘要,到 maven 仓库查询对应路径,适用于 Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.14.11-01,其他版本未做测试
注意:jar 包路径中不要出现空格#!/usr/bin/python3 import hashlib import os import requests import sys import tempfile from xml.etree import ElementTree import zipfile nexus_repo_url = ["", ""] ## 欢迎信息 def welcome(): print("\n程序通过计算jar包的sha1摘要,到maven仓库查询对应路径") print("\n程序适用于 Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.14.11-01,其他版本未做测试") print("\n注意:jar包路径中不要出现空格") ## 获取jar包路径 def get_jar_path(): print("\n拖拽jar包到窗并口回车提交:", end = "") try: jar_path = input() if os.path.exists(jar_path): if jar_path.endswith(".jar"): return jar_path else: print("\n请选择以【.jar】结尾的jar包文件") else: print("\n文件不存在") sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\n操作取消,程序退出") sys.exit() ## 计算jar包文件的sha1摘要 def get_jar_sha1sum(jar_path): with open(jar_path, 'rb') as f: return hashlib.new("sha1", f.read()).hexdigest() ## 获取jar包的坐标信息 def get_maven_gav(jar_path): temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() f = zipfile.ZipFile(jar_path, 'r') for file in f.namelist(): f.extract(file, temp_dir.name) maven_dir = temp_dir.name + "/META-INF/maven" pom_path = maven_dir pom_path = pom_path + "/" + os.listdir(maven_dir)[0] pom_path = pom_path + "/" + os.listdir(pom_path)[0] + "/pom.properties" f.close() groupId = "" artifactId = "" version = "" with open(pom_path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("groupId="): groupId = line[len("groupId="):].strip() elif line.startswith("artifactId="): artifactId = line[len("artifactId="):].strip() elif line.startswith("version="): version = line[len("version="):].strip() return groupId, artifactId, version ## 获取jar包及pom文件下载地址 def get_item_url(sha1sum, groupId, artifactId, version): for repo_url in nexus_repo_url: print(f"\n尝试从【{repo_url}】中检索jar包") groupId_path_str = groupId.replace(".", "/") url = f"{repo_url}/content/{groupId_path_str}/{artifactId}/{version}" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: items = ElementTree.fromstring(response.text).find("data").findall("content-item") for item in items: item_url = item.find("resourceURI").text if item_url.endswith(".jar.sha1"): print("requests.get: " + item_url) url_sha1sum = requests.get(item_url).text if sha1sum == url_sha1sum: # return item_url url_prefix = item_url[:-(len(".jar.sha1"))] return url_prefix + ".jar", url_prefix + ".pom" else: print(f"\n请求异常,请求地址:{url}") print("\n未匹配到正确的jar包") return None, None ## 开始处理 def process(): jar_path = get_jar_path() sha1sum = get_jar_sha1sum(jar_path) print(f"\nsha1摘要 : {sha1sum}") groupId, artifactId, version = get_maven_gav(jar_path) print(f"groupId : {groupId}") print(f"artifactId : {artifactId}") print(f"version : {version}") jar_url, pom_url = get_item_url(sha1sum, groupId, artifactId, version) if jar_url and pom_url: print(f"\n成功匹配到jar包") print(f"\njar包下载地址: {jar_url}") print(f"\npom下载地址: {pom_url}") process() if __name__ == '__main__': welcome() process()
标签:python,私服,jar,url,pom,print,path,groupId From: https://www.cnblogs.com/nihaorz/p/17434258.html