CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."fun_Generate_Entity"(class_name text, tables_name text) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."text" AS $BODY$ DECLARE str_Result text; s_cName varchar(64); s_ctype varchar(64); s_cisnull varchar(64); s_cdesc varchar(64); begin --开发仔专用函数 by czj --生成实体类(c#) str_Result='public class '||class_name||' {'; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT a.attname as cName, format_type(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) as ctype, a.attnotnull as cisnull, col_description(a.attrelid,a.attnum) as cdesc FROM pg_class as c,pg_attribute as a WHERE a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum>0 and upper(c.relname) = upper( tables_name); begin FOR cur_result IN cur LOOP s_cName :=coalesce( cur_result.cName,''); s_ctype := coalesce(cur_result.ctype,''); s_cisnull := coalesce(cur_result.cisnull,false); s_cdesc := coalesce(cur_result.cdesc,''); raise notice 's_ctype %',s_ctype; CONTINUE when s_cName like 'pg.dropped';--pg删除标识 str_Result=str_Result||'/// <summary>'; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 str_Result=str_Result||'/// '||s_cdesc; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 str_Result=str_Result||'/// <summary>'; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 str_Result=str_Result||'[Description("'||s_cdesc||'")]'; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 if(s_ctype like '%char%') then s_ctype=' string '; end if; if(s_ctype like '%number%' or s_ctype like '%numeric%') then s_ctype=' double '; end if; if(s_ctype like '%date%' or s_ctype like '%timestamp%') then s_ctype=' string '; end if; str_Result=str_Result||'public '||s_ctype||' '||s_cName||' { get; set; }'; str_Result=str_Result||CHR(10);--换行符 end loop; str_Result=str_Result||'}'; end ; return str_Result; end ; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100
标签:实体类,cur,c#,ctype,--,CHR,PG,str,Result From: https://www.cnblogs.com/j2ee-web-01/p/17408685.html