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CSCI 1110: 算法问题

时间:2023-05-14 13:56:21浏览次数:44  
标签:assignment CSCI pieces order 1110 算法 piece puzzle side

CSCI 1110: Assignment 0
Due: 11:59 pm, Friday, May 12, 2023
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to self-assess your readiness for this course. If you are
struggling to complete this assignment, and have not taken CSCI 1100 or CSCI 1105, please consider taking
CSCI 1105 before this course. This assignment may be done in any programming language.
For this problem you will be provided with sample inputs and corresponding outputs. All input is done via
the console (unless specified otherwise) and all output is to be done to the console as well. If you are
submitting your assignment via Codio, you can test it by clicking the Check It button. If you are using a
language not supported by Codio, a zip file containing the test inputs and outputs is provided for testing.
Please note that unlike the rest of the assignments in this course, this assignment is strictly graded based
on functionality. This ensures that you receive the appropriate feedback to decide if CSCI 1110 is the right
course for you. Assignment submission and grading is described in the last section of this assignment.
There are three problems代做 CSCI 1110:  and each one builds on the next. Completing Problem 1 yields a grade of 50%
(a pass); completing Problem 2 yields a grade of 80%; and completing Problem 3 yields a grade of 100%.
Your company is the producer of one-dimensional jigsaw puzzles. A new sensation that is sweeping the
nation. A one-dimensional jigsaw puzzle comprises a set of puzzle pieces that must be assembled in the
correct order to reveal an image (or a word). Each puzzle piece has two sides that must complement the
pieces to the right and left of it, except for the end pieces, which must match only on one side.
Figure 1: Example of a 1D puzzles whose pieces spell "PIZZLES!"
Each puzzle piece can be represented by three pieces of information:
1. an integer, representing the shape of the left side of the piece;
2. a word, representing the content of the piece; and
3. an integer representing the shape of the right side of the piece.
Two puzzle pieces fit together, if the sum of the integers representing the adjacent sides sum to -1. For
example, in Figure 1, “P” is adjacent to “U” because 3 + -4 = -1. Similarly, “L” is adjacent to “E” because
-8 + 7 = -1. The left side of the left end piece is denoted by 0, and the right side of the right end piece is
denoted by -1. If the sum is not -1, then the two pieces cannot be adjacent.
In this assignment, we will solve some puzzles!
Problem I: Ordered Puzzles
When a puzzle is produced, you need to check that all the pieces are in order and correct.
Write the body of the program called Problem1 that reads in a sequence of puzzle pieces and ensures that
they are in the correct order.
The input consists of a single positive integer N denoting the number of puzzle pieces, followed by N lines
of text, where each line denotes a puzzle piece. Each line is of the form
where each L is an integer representing the left side of the puzzle piece, W is a single word, and R is an
integer representing the right side of the puzzle piece. (See example below.). The assumed order of the
pieces is left to right.
The program must determine if the puzzle is ordered. An ordered puzzle satisfies the following conditions:
• Starts with the left end piece (left side is 0) and ends with the right end piece (right side is -1.
• All pieces are correctly adjacent in that the sum of the integers representing two adjacent sides
must sum to -1.
• All pieces are used.
If the puzzle is ordered, output the resulting string from the puzzle pieces on a single line followed by a
newline character (see example). If the puzzle is not ordered, output
Piece [L,W,R] is out of order.
where L is the left side, W is the word, and R is right side of the leftmost piece that is out of order.
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Input Output Input Output Input Output
0 P 3
-4 U -2
1 Z 5
-6 Z 4
-5 L -8
7 E 10
-11 S 2
-3 ! -1
0 P 3
-4 U -2
1 Z 5
-5 L -8
-6 Z 4
7 E 10
-11 S 2
-3 ! -1
Piece [-5,L,-8] is out of order. 3
0 Hello -2
1 _ -4
3 World -1
Problem 2: Solve the Puzzle!
Occasionally, your employees drop puzzles on the floor, scrambling the piece order. At this point, the
puzzles need to be put back in order.
Write the body of the program called Problem2 that reads in a sequence of puzzle pieces and solves the
puzzle, outputting the resulting word.
The input format is the same as in Problem 1.
Reorder the pieces in the correct order. This can be done by selecting one piece at a time, using a double
loop, starting with the first piece.
• The first piece should have a 0 for its left side and the last piece should have a -1 on its right side.
• All the pieces must be used.
• The pieces can be in any order.
• The puzzle is complete. There are no missing pieces.
• There is only one unique solution, so you will never need to decide between two pieces.
The program should print out a single line with
the word assembled from the puzzle and must be
terminated by a new-line.
Problem 3: Multiple Puzzles!
Some of your employees decide to be more efficient by carrying multiple boxes of puzzles at the
same time. This works, until they drop the boxes. Now, you need to reorder multiple puzzles that are all
mixed together.
Write the body of the program called Problem3 that reads in a sequence of puzzle pieces which belong to
one or more puzzles and solves all the puzzles, outputting the resulting words.
The input format is the same as in Problem 1 and 2.
The program should solve all the puzzles from the pieces and output the resulting words in the order that
the left ends of the puzzles are encountered.
• There are one or more puzzles.
• The first piece of each puzzle should have a 0 for its left side and the last piece should have a -1
on its right side.
• All the pieces must be used.
• The pieces can be in any order.
• All puzzles are complete. There are no missing pieces.
• The ordering of the puzzles depends on the location the left ends in the sequence of pieces. For
example, if [0,Hello,42] comes before [0,Goodbye,7] in the stream. Then the result of the puzzle
starting with Hello should be displayed before the puzzle whose result starts with Goodbye.
• There is only one unique solution, so you will never need to decide between two pieces.
Hint: using a function or a method will make your program easier to write.
Example 1 Example 3
Input Output Input Output
-4 U -2
0 P 3
-3 ! -1
1 Z 5
-5 L -8
-11 S 2
-6 Z 4
7 E 10
3 World -1
1 _ -4
0 Hello -2
The program should output the results of each of the solved puzzles
in the order specified in the previous section. Each result should be
on a separate line and terminated by a new line.
Things to Remember
• You will need to use arrays for Problem 2 and likely functions
(or methods) to solve Problem 3.
• All input will be correct. You do not need to handle incorrect
input, for now.
• All the problems in this assignment have short solutions (≈
40 lines of code).
What to Hand In
This assignment can be done in a language of your choice. If you would like to do this assignment in Java,
C/C++ or Python, please submit it in Codio via the Brightspace page. Otherwise, please submit the source
files via Brightspace.
If you are submitting in language other than Java, C/C++, or Python, please submit the source files in a
single .zip file. Please do NOT use other archive formats because the markers may not be able to open
them. To submit the .zip file in Brightspace go to Assessments ð Assignments ð Assignment 0 to upload the zip file.
For this assignment only, the assignment will be graded strictly on functionality. (How many tests it
passes.) The reason for this is to provide you with immediate feedback as to whether you should take
this course or CSCI 1105. Remember, you MUST get at least 50% on this assignment to pass the course.
We will test the functionality of your program by passing it through a series of automated tests on Codio.
You can run these tests yourself by using the Check It buttons. There will be approximately 10 tests per
problem. The fraction of tests that you pass corresponds to the mark on your assignment.
If your submission is in a language other than Java, Python,
or C/C++, you will receive an email with your grade for Assignment 0.
Please contact the instructor immediately if you believe that
your program is failing tests that you believe it should be

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wolfjava/p/17399184.html
