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时间:2023-05-09 16:00:27浏览次数:40  
标签:指南 java CPT204 color move method game 面向对象编程 your

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
CPT204 – Final Project
CPT204 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
Final Project
Task Sheet 2 – Supplementary
CPT204-2223 Final Project Task Sheet 2 – Supplementary Info
● This document contains supplementary information on CPT204-2223 Final
● You must read Final Project Task Sheet 1 pdf first!
○ after that, this document will give you more explanations on the code structure
and more details on your tasks
○ also, it is recommended to watch the video demo by Haoyue first!
● If you have any questions, please ask in Final Project Forum
○ please check Final Project Forum and LM Announcement frequently for
CPT204-2223 Final Project Skeleton Files and Demo Video
● Extract the CPT204-2223_Final_Project_Skeleton_Files.zip
○ the Java skeleton code files are found in folder ataxx,
and so create New Project from Existing Sources in IntelliJ on that folder
as usual
○ in folder library, there is a file for JUnit testing, and so import this library
as usual for the given test case files
○ in folder demo, there is a demo video mp4 file,
and a text file that lists commands used in the demo video
Ataxx Code Overview (1)
● As the game involves many files, we will explain the main files and operations
needed to understand the code structure and game implementations
○ we apply modular design, classes and methods can work independently
○ some files may contain game-playing machinery that not necessarily be understood
○ we start by explaining the routines of command reading
● The game starts at Main.java where game instance is be created and
game.play() is called
● In Game.java, we observe the play() method:
○ which means in the beginning, RED plays first as a manual player and BLUE plays
next as an AI player
Ataxx Code Overview (2)
● Continuing, in Game.java:
○ setManual and setAI will create an instance of Manual and AIPlayer,
and call setAtaxxPlayer to assign players according to their color and
being manual/AI players
○ in play(), while loop finds the final winner, and execute move or next
command (until receiving command to exit the game):
■ if no winner yet, it lets the current player to be the next player
and runs its move;
■ if the game is over (meeting an end condition):
● if the winner is not yet announced, then announce it
● after that, get and run the next command
runCommand() and Command Types
● Commands in runCommand(String command) are case-insensitive
○ e.g. one can type in BOARD or board with the same effect
Command Type Format in Terminal Explanation
NEW new start a new game with an initial board
AI ai <red/blue> set Red/Blue player to be an AI player
MANUAL manual <red/blue> set Red/Blue player to be a human player
BOARD board print the board with labels
BLOCK block <cr> set blocks according to the rules in Task Sheet 1
SCORE score print the current number of red and blue pieces on the board
BOARD_ON board_on print the board after each move
BOARD_OFF board_off not print the board after each move
(i.e., c2-b3) move the piece of current color on the board (must be legal)
QUIT quit (or q) quit the game
ERROR (any other input) print "Unknown command" in the terminal
States of a Square, PieceState, and Player Types
● The states of a square (c, r) in a board are enumerated PieceState types:
○ EMPTY: no piece at location (c, r)
○ BLOCKED: there's a block at location (c, r)
○ RED: there's a Red piece at the location (c, r)
○ BLUE: there's a Blue piece at location (c, r)
● Used in Player[] ataxxPlayers = new Player[PieceState.values().length]
in Game.java, but there are only two types: RED and BLUE
○ ataxxPlayers[0] = RED
○ ataxxPlayers[1] = BLUE
● Each type has opposite() method to return its opposite color
○ e.g. RED.opposite() is BLUE
● Represented by color Red/Blue in the game in abstract class Player.java
● The implementor classes
○ Manual extends Player: Manual(game, color)
○ AIPlayer extends Player: AIPlayer(game, color, seed)
■ students need to implement AI Player by themselves for Task A.2
■ seed is used to implement the psedorandomness of the AI
■ currently, seed is always incremented by 1 and students may change
arbitrarily according to their AI implementation
● Called in
● In Player.java, it is declared as an abstract method
○ to be implemented independently in Manual and AIPlayer
● Called in
● In Game.java, Player getAtaxxPlayer(PieceState state)
○ returns a player by indexing the attaxPlayers[] array
○ the index is return by enum ordinal() method
■ i.e. RED.ordinal() is 0 and BLUE.ordinal() is 1
● In Board.java, ataxxBoard.nextMove() returns the state/color of the player
which is to move next
Ataxx Board
● Board in Board.java is represented by
11-by-11 array of PieceState
○ with predetermined values as shown in
figure on the right
○ why? to avoid special edge cases
● Each piece in board is labeled by:
○ char value of column label c
('a' - 2 < c < 'g' + 2)
○ row label r ('1' - 2 < r < '7’ + 2)
● Squares outside 7-by-7 "real" board
(in 'a' - 'g' and '1' - '7') are blocks
○ so that moving to these locations won't
Move Objects
● All kinds of Move objects are created by a private constructor in Move.java
○ into OVERALL_MOVES array
○ a factory method then returns the requested Move objects
○ so the same Move object used later by your AI Player will only be
created once – for efficiency
● If the requested Move is not a legal move
○ the factory method will return null
Methods in Board.java
● index() turns column and row labels into index in 1-D array
● getNeighbor() returns index in 1-D array of neighboring square given the
● read comments for understanding more helper methods!
● createMove(String move)
○ to make a Move object to be used in Game.java
e.g. createMove("c3-d4")
○ it first check whether it is a legal move and whether there's a winner,
and check whether it is a pass, to add to list of total moves for displaying
○ find the opposite color
Creating Move
● createMove(String move) (continues)
○ if it is a jump:
■ set its 'from' index into empty and its 'to' index to next move
■ change the color of surrounding pieces
■ increase the number of consecutive jumping
○ if it is a clone:
■ set its 'to' index to next move
■ change the color of surrounding pieces
■ reset the number of consecutive jumping
■ increase the number of corresponding color
○ record the next move and update winner
○ note that it uses isJump() and isClone() which you will complete
■ explained later in this task sheet
CPT204-2223 Final Project Part A.1
● In the following pages, you will find details about Final Project Part A.1 that
you need to complete
○ there are 4 tasks / subparts that you need to complete
○ you will submit your code to Learning Mall autograder during Submission
Day (read Task Sheet 1 and upcoming Announcements for more details)
○ your code will be tested on a new full set of test cases during grading
○ partial grades will be given if you pass some tasks or pass some test
○ more information and requirements are found in Task Sheet 1 pdf and
future LM Announcements
Part A.1.1 Getting the Number of Colors
● Complete the method getColorNums(PieceState color) in Board.java
○ it is called in getScore() in Board.java to print the current score when
given the command score
○ it takes either RED or BLUE
■ you can ignore other states
○ e.g., getColorNums(RED) → 2
● Find the partial test cases in ScoreTest.java
Part A.1.2 Setting a Block
● Complete the method setBlock(char c, char r) in Board.java
○ it is called when we want to put blocks with the command block
○ it puts a block at the given position, and its reflected squares
symmetrically according to rules in Task Sheet 1
○ we have given the code to throw an error when the location is not legal,
such as already occupied by a piece or a block
○ e.g., setBlock('c', '3')
● Hints: Consider using the method setContent and the variable unblockedNum
● Find the partial test cases in BlockTest.java
Part A.1.3 Clone or Jump?
● Complete the method isClone() and isJump() in Move.java
○ it is called in the first constructor Move in Move.java
○ it takes 2 parameters: String location0 and String location1
■ location0 is the origin location such as "c1"
■ location1 is the target location such as "d2"
○ it returns true if and only if the move is a clone/a jump
○ e.g., isClone("c1", "d2") → true
isJump("c1", "d2") → false
● Find the partial test cases in MoveTest.java
Part A.1.4 Getting the Winner
● Complete the method getWinner() in Board.java
○ it is used to find 代  做the winner of the game and is called in play() in
Game.java and createMove() in Board.java
○ it returns PieceState objects:
■ null if the game is not finished
■ RED or BLUE if the game is finished and there is a winner with that color
■ EMPTY if the game is finished but there is no winner since red and blue
have the same number of pieces
○ It also stores the result in instance variable winner
● Hints: Consider using couldMove, getColorNums, getConsecJumpNums
● Find the partial test cases in WinnerTest.java
CPT204-2223 Final Project Part A.2
● You are given in your skeleton code a very simple AI, which moves randomly
○ it generates all possible legal moves, and pick one uniformly at random
● Work with your team members in a team of two/three students,
to create your own AI player by modifying the codes in AIPlayer.java
○ Specifically, you could create your new methods and call your own
methods in findMove() method
● Read Task Sheet 1 pdf and future LM announcements for further
information and requirements
Optional Part: Ataxx GUI
● Complete this part in GUI.java for extra points
○ if you have completed the previous parts and have extra time
○ to actually play the game in graphical interface
● Here we provide the way to run the Ataxx game with a GUI interface
○ to enable GUI of Ataxx game you need to first create a jar file
○ and then run that jar file by using command line argument --display
○ the complete steps can be found in the next slide
Optional Part: Ataxx GUI (continues)
Steps to create a jar file and to run Ataxx with GUI:
1. Click "File->Project Settings -> Artifacts" in the IntelliJ
2. Click "+" button and click to add JAR by "From modules with dependences..."
3. Choose the current module and select the main class;
and keep other options default and just click "OK"
4. Click "Include in project build" and then click "OK"
5. First click "Build -> Build Project" in the navigation bar, and then click "Build -> Build Artifacts..."
and choose the action "Build" to create the corresponding .jar file of this program
6. Use "cmd" to open the terminal (in Windows: Click Windows Icon, type cmd, hit enter)
7. Enter the correct path of the document file including your .jar file (here we call it
"CPT204FinalProjectDemo.jar" for convenience)
8. Under this path, enter "java -jar CPT204FinalProjectDemo.jar --display" to check your GUI
Good Luck!
● Thank you for your attention and all the best for your final project!


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wolfjava/p/17385377.html


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