- 先使用一个文件控制设备
import time
# import pyvisa
from pimi import PiDevice
device = PiDevice("ASRL3::INSTR") #创建实例,并手动写入地址参数,可以借助NI Max读取
whoisPower = device.PiPower() #调用类中的方法,电源地址
# Send a command to the instrument
# setnum = 1
for setnum in range(5):
setnum += setnum
numadd = 1 + setnum / 10
# whoisPower.write(':VSET1:1') #
whoisPower.write(f'VSET1:{numadd}') #设置电压输出
# whoisPower.write(f'ISET1:{numadd}') #设置电流输出
- 变量名不直观,修改下吧
import time
# import pyvisa
from pimi import PiDevice
device = PiDevice("ASRL3::INSTR") #创建实例,并手动写入地址参数,可以借助NI Max读取
whoisPower = device.PiPower() #调用类中的方法,电源地址
startVoltage = 10
endVoltage = 19
# Send a command to the instrument
for voltage in range(startVoltage, endVoltage, 1):
voltage = voltage / 10
whoisPower.write(f'VSET1:{voltage}') #设置电压输出
- 进一步优化
import time
import numpy as np
# import pyvisa
from pimi import PiDevice
device = PiDevice("ASRL3::INSTR") #创建实例,并手动写入地址参数,可以借助NI Max读取
whoisPower = device.PiPower() #调用类中的方法,电源地址
startVoltage = 1.0
endVoltage = 1.8
stepSize = 0.1
# Send a command to the instrument
for voltage in np.arange(startVoltage, endVoltage, stepSize):
# voltage = voltage / 10
whoisPower.write(f'VSET1:{voltage}') #设置电压输出
- 使用一个函数,传递这3个值
device = PiDevice("ASRL3::INSTR") #创建实例,并手动写入地址参数,可以借助NI Max读取
whoisPower = device.PiPower() #调用类中的方法,电源地址
def set_voltage(startVoltage, endVoltage, stepSize):
# Send a command to the instrument
for voltage in np.arange(startVoltage, endVoltage, stepSize):
# voltage = voltage / 10
whoisPower.write(f'VSET1:{voltage}') #设置电压输出
# startVoltage = float(input("Enter the starting voltage: "))
# endVoltage = float(input("Enter the ending voltage: "))
# stepSize = float(input("Enter the step size: "))
set_voltage(1.0, 2.0, 0.1)
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zlib/p/17293574.html