问题1:how to use --extra-index-url in requirements.txt in python?
To use `--extra-index-url` in `requirements.txt` in Python, you need to follow these steps:
1. Open `requirements.txt` in a text editor.
2. Add the `--extra-index-url` option followed by the URL of the extra index you want to use. Separate multiple URLs with commas.
--extra-index-url https://custom.internal.pypi.org/simple/
3. Add the package(s) you want to install from the extra index.
4. Save the `requirements.txt` file.
5. Install the packages using `pip` and include the `--extra-index-url` option.
pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url https://custom.internal.pypi.org/simple/
This will install the packages from both the default index and the extra index specified in the `requirements.txt` file.
问题2:how to use multiple --extra-index-url in requirements.txt in python?
You can use multiple `--extra-index-url` options in your `requirements.txt` file by specifying each URL separated by a space. Example:
--extra-index-url URL1 --extra-index-url URL2
In this example, `URL1` and `URL2` should be replaced with the actual URLs you want to use as extra index URLs for package installation.
Here's an example of `requirements.txt` file that uses multiple extra index URLs:
--extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple
--extra-index-url https://some.custom.repo/simple
In this example, the `package1` and `package2` packages will be installed from either the default PyPI repository or the `some.custom.repo` repository depending on their availability.
标签:index,use,requirements,extra,--,url,txt From: https://www.cnblogs.com/LanTianYou/p/17262220.html