// 摘要:
// Gets a value indicating whether the result is acknowledged.
public abstract bool IsAcknowledged { get; } //标识Update操作是否被确认 及update有没有成功
// 摘要:
// Gets a value indicating whether the modified count is available.
// 言论:
// The available modified count.
public abstract bool IsModifiedCountAvailable { get; }//标识update操作是否进行了计数 如果IsAcknowledged&&IsModifiedCountAvailable--更新成功且可获取更新条数;如果 IsAcknowledged&&!IsModifiedCountAvailable--更新成功 但是无法获取更新条数 【该结果仅有驱动程序返回 只读】
// 摘要:
// Gets the matched count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
public abstract long MatchedCount { get; }
// 摘要:
// Gets the modified count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
public abstract long ModifiedCount { get; }
// 摘要:
// Gets the upserted id, if one exists. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw
// an exception.
public abstract BsonValue UpsertedId { get; }//更新对象不存在 就会新增一条 该属性返回新增数据的_id
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Alicia-meng/p/17217776.html