原作者:Aisha Ikram
使用环境: .NET, C#, Win XP, Win
的特点,象Java一样的编程风格, 并且象Basic一样的快速开发模型。如果你已经知道了C
注意:本文不是为C#高手(C# gurus)所写. 这是针对在C#学习上还是初学者的文章。
语句(Statements )
方法参数(Function Parameters)
让我们瞧瞧C#当中的 Hello world 程序是怎样的。
class HelloWorld
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
在C#当中的每样东西都被封装到一个类中,C#的类又被封装到一个命名空间当中(就象一个文件夹中的文件)。类似于 C
还高。你可以使用点限定符(dot qulifier)访问一个类。在上面的hello world程序当中MyNameSpace就是一个命名空间。
class AnotherClass
public void Func()
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
using System;
using AnotherNameSpace; // you will add this using statement
namespace MyNameSpace
class HelloWorld
static void Main(string[] args)
AnotherClass obj = new AnotherClass();
C ++ 当中的 " #include " 指示被C#的 " using " 关键字取代,它后面跟着一个命名空间的名字。正如上面的 " using System " 。 " System " 是别的所有被封装的命名空间和类中最底层的命名空间。所有对象的基类都是System命名空间内的Object类派生的。
除以下并别外,C#当中的变量几乎与C ++ 同:
与C ++ 不同,C#变量被访问之前必须被初始化;否则编译时会报错。因此,访问一个未初始化变量是不可能的事。
基本型 / 内置型 用户自定义型
类型 字节数 解释
byte 1 无符号字节型
sbyte 1 有符号字节型
short 2 有符号短字节型
ushort 2 无符号短字节型
int 4 有符号整型
uint 4 无符号整型
long 8 有符号长整型
ulong 8 无符号长整型
float 4 浮点数
double 8 双精度数
decimal 8 固定精度数
string unicode字串型
char unicode字符型
bool 真假布尔型
注意:C#当中的类型范围与C ++ 有所不同;例如,C ++ 的long型是4个字节,而在C#当中是8个字节。同样地,bool型和string型都不同于C ++ 。bool型只接受true和false两种值。不接受任何整数类型。
类类型( class )
结构类型( struct )
接口类型( interface )
值类型(value Types)
引用类型(Reference Types)
值类型数据在栈中分配。他们包括:所有基本或内置类型(不包括string类型)、结构类型、枚举类型( enum type)
引用类型在堆中分配,当它们不再被使用时将被垃圾收集。它们使用new运算符来创建,对这些类型而言,不存在C ++ 当中的delete操作符,根本不同于C ++ 会显式使用delete这个运算符去释放创建的这个类型。C#中,通过垃圾收集器,这些类型会自动被收集处理。
枚举类型与C ++ 当中的概念非常相似。它们都通过一个enum关键字来定义。
enum Weekdays
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
除了在内存分配形式上外,类与结构的概念完全与C ++ 相同。类的对象被分配在堆中,并且通过new来创建,结构也是被new创建但却被分配在栈当中。C#当中,结构型适于快速访问和拥有少量成员的数据类型。如果涉及量较多,你应该创建一个类来实现他。
struct Date
int day;
int month;
int year;
class Date
int day;
int month;
int year;
string weekday;
string monthName;
public int GetDay()
return day;
public int GetMonth()
return month;
public int GetYear()
return year;
public void SetDay(int Day)
day = Day ;
public void SetMonth(int Month)
month = Month;
public void SetYear(int Year)
year = Year;
public bool IsLeapYear()
return (year/4 == 0);
public void SetDate (int day, int month, int year)
如果你熟悉C ++ 面象对象的方式,你就一定有一个属性的概念。在上面示例当中,以C ++ 的观点来看,Data类的属性就是day、month和year。用C#方式,你可以把它们写成Get和Set方法。C#提供了一个更方便、简单、直接的方式来访问属性。
using System;
class Date
public int Day{
get {
return day;
set {
day = value;
int day;
public int Month{
get {
return month;
set {
month = value;
int month;
public int Year{
get {
return year;
set {
year = value;
int year;
public bool IsLeapYear(int year)
return year%4== 0 ? true: false;
public void SetDate (int day, int month, int year)
this.day = day;
this.month = month;
this.year = year;
class User
public static void Main()
Date date = new Date();
date.Day = 27;
date.Month = 6;
date.Year = 2003;
Console.WriteLine("Date: {0}/{1}/{2}", date.Day,
你必须已经知道public、 private 、protected这些常在C ++ 当中使用的修饰符。这里我会讨论一些C#引入的新的修饰符。
readonly (只读)
readonly修饰符仅在类的数据成员中使用。正如这名字所提示的, readonly 数据成员仅能只读,它们只能在构造函数或是直接初始化操作下赋值一次。readonly与const数据成员不同, const 要求你在声明中初始化,这是直接进行的。看下面的示例代码:
class MyClass
const int constInt = 100; //直接初始化
readonly int myInt = 5; //直接初始化
readonly int myInt2; //译者注:仅做声明,未做初始化
public MyClass()
myInt2 = 8; //间接的
public Func()
myInt = 7; //非法操作(译者注:不得赋值两次)
sealed (密封)
sealed class CanNotbeTheParent
int a = 5;
unsafe (不安全)
你可使用unsafe修饰符来定义一个不安全的上下文。在不安全的上下文里,你能写些如C ++ 指针这样的不安全的代码。看下面的示例代码:
public unsafe MyFunction( int * pInt, double * pDouble)
int* pAnotherInt = new int;
*pAnotherInt = 10;
pInt = pAnotherInt;
*pDouble = 8.9;
interface (接口)
如果你有COM方面的概念,你会立亥明白我要谈论的内容。一个接口就是一个抽象的基类,这个基类仅仅包含功能描述,而这些功能的实现则由子类来完成。C#中你要用interface关键字来定义象接口这样的类。.NET就是基于这样的接口上的。C#中你不支持C ++ 所允许的类多继承(译者注:即一个派生类可以从两个或两个以上的父类中派生)。但是多继承方式可以通过接口获得。也就是说你的一个子类可以从多个接口中派生实现。
using System;
interface myDrawing
int originx
int originy
void Draw(object shape);
class Shape: myDrawing
int OriX;
int OriY;
public int originx
return OriX;
OriX = value;
public int originy
return OriY;
OriY = value;
public void Draw(object shape)
// do something
// class's own method
public void MoveShape(int newX, int newY)
C#中的数组比C ++ 的表现更好。数组被分配在堆中,因此是引用类型。你不可能访问超出一个数组边界的元素。因此,C#会防止这样类型的bug。一些辅助方式可以循环依次访问数组元素的功能也被提供了,foreach就是这样的一个语句。与C ++ 相比,C#在数组语法上的特点如下:
int [] array = new int [ 10 ]; // 整型一维数组
for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.Length; i ++ )
array[i] = i;
int [,] array2 = new int [ 5 , 10 ]; // 整型二维数组
array2[ 1 , 2 ] = 5 ;
int [,,] array3 = new int [ 5 , 10 , 5 ]; // 整型的三维数组
array3[ 0 , 2 , 4 ] = 9 ;
int [][] arrayOfarray = = new int [ 2 ]; // 整型交错数组(数组中的数组)
arrayOfarray[ 0 ] = new int [ 4 ];
arrayOfarray[ 0 ] = new int [] {1,2,15} ;
索引器被用于写一个访问集合元素的方法,集合使用 " [] " 这样的直接方式,类似于数组。你所要做的就是列出访问实例或元素的索引清单。类的属性带的是输入参数,而索引器带的是元素的索引表,除此而外,他们二者的语法相同。
class Shapes: CollectionBase
public void add(Shape shp)
public Shape this[int index]
get {
return (Shape) List[index];
set {
List[index] = value ;
装箱和拆箱操作(Boxing / Unboxing)
class Test
static void Main()
int myInt = 12;
object obj = myInt ; // 装箱
int myInt2 = (int) obj; // 拆箱
Environment: .NET, C#, Win XP, Win 2000
C# is a language with the features of C ++ , programming style like Java, and the rapid application model of Basic. If you already know the C ++ language, it will take you less than an hour to quickly go through the syntax of C#. Familiarity with Java will be a plus because the Java program structure, the concept of packages, and garbage collection will definitely help you learn C# more quickly. So while discussing C# language constructs, I will assume that you know C ++ .
This article dicusses the C# language constructs and features, using code examples in a brief and comrehensive way so that you can, just by having a glance at the code, understand the concepts.
Note: This article is not for C# gurus. There must be some other beginner ' s articles on C#, but this is yet another one.
The following topics of the C# langauge are discussed:
Program Structure
Data Types
Operators and Expressions
Classes and Structs
Function Parameters
Boxing and Unboxing
Inheritance and Polymorphism
The following topics are not discussed:
Things that are common in C ++ and C#
Concepts such as garbage collection, threading, file processing, and so forth
Data type conversions
Exception handling
.NET library
Program Structure
Like C ++ , C# is case - sensitive. The semicolon, ;, is the statement separator. Unlike C ++ , there are no separate declaration (header) and implementation(cpp) files in C#. All code ( class declaration and implementation) is placed in one file with a cs extention.
Have a look at this Hello world program in C#.
using System;
namespace MyNameSpace
class HelloWorld
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
Everything in C# is packed into a class and classes in C# are packed into namespaces (just like files in a folder). Like C ++ , a main method is the entry point of your program. C ++ ' s main function is called "main", whereas C# ' s main function starts with a capital M and is named " Main " .
There is no need to put a semicolon after a class block or struct definition. It was required in C ++ , but not in C#.
Every class is packaged into a namespace . Namespaces are exactly the same concept as in C ++ , but in C# we use namespaces more frequently than in C ++ . You can access a class in a namespace using dot . qualifier. MyNameSpace is the namespace in the hello world program above.
Now, consider that you want to access the HelloWorld class from some other class in some other namespace .
using System;
namespace AnotherNameSpace
class AnotherClass
public void Func()
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
Now, from your HelloWorld class , you can access it as :
using System;
using AnotherNameSpace; // you will add this using statement
namespace MyNameSpace
class HelloWorld
static void Main(string[] args)
AnotherClass obj = new AnotherClass();
In the .NET library, System is the top - level namespace in which other namespaces exist. By default , there exists a global namespace , so a class defined outside a namespace goes directly into this global namespace ; hence, you can access this class without any qualifier.
you can also define nested namespaces.
The #include directive is replaced with the " using " keyword, which is followed by a namespace name. Just as in " using System " , above. " System " is the base - level namespace in which all other namespaces and classes are packed. The base class for all object is Object in the System namespace .
Variables in C# are almost the same as in C ++ , except for these differences:
Variables in C# (unlike C ++ ) always need to be initialized before you access them; otherwise, you will get a compile time error. Hence, it ' s impossible to access an uninitialized variable.
You can ' t access a .dangling. pointer in C#.
An expression that indexes an array beyond its bounds is also not accessible.
There are no global variables or functions in C# and the behavior of globals is acheived through static functions and static variables.
Data Types
All types of C# are derived from a base - class object . There are two types of data types:
Basic / Built - in types
User - defined types
Following is a table that lists built - in C# types:
byte 1 unsigned byte
sbyte 1 signed byte
short 2 signed short
ushort 2 unsigned short
int 4 signed integer
uint 4 unsigned integer
long 8 signed long
ulong 8 unsigned long
float 4 floating point number
double 8 double precision number
decimal 8 fixed precision number
string unicode string
char unicode char
bool true , false boolean
Note: Type range in C# and C ++ are different; for example, long in C ++ is 4 bytes, and in C# it is 8 bytes. Also, the bool type and string types are different than those in C ++ . Bool accepts only true and false and not any integer.
User - defined types include:
Memory allocation of the data types divides them into two types:
Value Types
Reference Types
Value types
Value types are those data types that are allocated in the stack. They include:
All basic or built - in types except strings
Enum types
Reference type
Reference types are allocated on the heap and are garbage collected when they are no longer being used. They are created using the new operator , and there is no delete operator for these types, unlike in C ++ , where the user has to explicitely delete the types created using the delete operator . In C#, they are automatically collected by the garbage collector.
Reference types include:
Collection types such as arrays
Enumerations in C# are exactly like C ++ . They are defined through a enum keyword.
enum Weekdays
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Classes and Structs
Classes and structs are same as in C ++ , except in the difference of their memory allocation. Objects of classes are allocated in the heap, and are created using new , where as structs are allocated in the stack. Structs in C# are very light and fast datatypes. For heavy datatypes, you should create classes.
struct Date
int day;
int month;
int year;
class Date
int day;
int month;
int year;
string weekday;
string monthName;
public int GetDay()
return day;
public int GetMonth()
return month;
public int GetYear()
return year;
public void SetDay(int Day)
day = Day ;
public void SetMonth(int Month)
month = Month;
public void SetYear(int Year)
year = Year;
public bool IsLeapYear()
return (year/4 == 0);
public void SetDate (int day, int month, int year)
If you familiar with the object - oriented way of C ++ , you must have an idea of properties. Properties in the above example of the Date class are day, month, and year for which in C ++ , you write Get and Set methods. C# provides a more convinient, simple, and straightforward way of accessing properties.
So, the above class can be written as :
using System;
class Date
public int Day{
get {
return day;
set {
day = value;
int day;
public int Month{
get {
return month;
set {
month = value;
int month;
public int Year{
get {
return year;
set {
year = value;
int year;
public bool IsLeapYear(int year)
return year%4== 0 ? true: false;
public void SetDate (int day, int month, int year)
this.day = day;
this.month = month;
this.year = year;
Here is the way you will get and set these properties:
class User
public static void Main()
Date date = new Date();
date.Day = 27;
date.Month = 6;
date.Year = 2003;
Console.WriteLine("Date: {0}/{1}/{2}", date.Day,
You must be aware of public , private , and protected modifers that are commonly used in C ++ . Here, I will discuss some new modifiers introduced by C#.
The readonly modifier is used only for the class data members. As the name indicates, the readonly data members can only be read once they are written either directly initializing them or assigning values to them in constructor. The difference between the readonly and const data members is that const requires you to initialize with the declaration, that is directly. See this example code:
class MyClass
const int constInt = 100; //directly
readonly int myInt = 5; //directly
readonly int myInt2;
public MyClass()
myInt2 = 8; //Indirectly
public Func()
myInt = 7; //Illegal
the sealed modifier with a class doesn ' t let you derive any class from it. So, you use this sealed keyword for the classes that you don ' t want to be inherited from.
sealed class CanNotbeTheParent
int a = 5;
You can define an unsafe context in C# by using an unsafe modifier. In the unsafe context, you can write an unsafe code; for example, C ++ pointers and so forth. See the following code:
public unsafe MyFunction( int * pInt, double * pDouble)
int* pAnotherInt = new int;
*pAnotherInt = 10;
pInt = pAnotherInt;
*pDouble = 8.9;
If you have an idea of the COM, you will immediately know what I am talking about. An interface is the abstract base class containing only the function signatures whose implementation is provided by the child class . In C#, you define such classes as interfaces using the interface keyword. .NET is based on such interfaces. In C#, where you can ' t use multiple class inheritance, which was previously allowed in C++, the essence of multiple inheritance is acheived through interfaces. That ' s how your child class may implement multiple interfaces.
using System;
interface myDrawing
int originx
int originy
void Draw(object shape);
class Shape: myDrawing
int OriX;
int OriY;
public int originx
return OriX;
OriX = value;
public int originy
return OriY;
OriY = value;
public void Draw(object shape)
// do something
// class's own method
public void MoveShape(int newX, int newY)
Arrays in C# are much better than in C ++ . Arrays are allocated in the heap and thus are of the reference type. You can ' t access an out-of-bound element in an array. So, C# prevents you from that type of bug. Also, some helper functions to iterate array elements are provided. foreach is the statement for such an iteration. The difference between the syntax of the C++ and C# array is:
The square brackets are placed after the type and not after the variable name.
You create element locations using new operator .
C# supports single dimensional, multi dimensional, and jagged array (array of an array).
int [] array = new int [ 10 ]; // single-dimensional
// array of int
for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.Length; i ++ )
array[i] = i;
int [,] array2 = new int [ 5 , 10 ]; // 2-dimensional array
// of int
array2[ 1 , 2 ] = 5 ;
int [,,] array3 = new int [ 5 , 10 , 5 ]; // 3-dimensional array
// of int
array3[ 0 , 2 , 4 ] = 9 ;
int [][] arrayOfarray = = new int [ 2 ]; // Jagged array -
// array of array of
// int
arrayOfarray[ 0 ] = new int [ 4 ];
arrayOfarray[ 0 ] = new int [] {1,2,15} ;
An indexer is used to write a method to access an element from a collection using the straight way of using [], like an array. All you need is to specify the index to access an instance or element. The syntax of an indexer is same as that of class properties, except they take the input parameter, that is the index of the element.
Note: CollectionBase is the library class used for making collections. List is the protected member of CollectionBase, which stores the collection list.
class Shapes: CollectionBase
public void add(Shape shp)
public Shape this[int index]
get {
return (Shape) List[index];
set {
List[index] = value ;
Boxing / Unboxing
The idea of boxing is new in C#. As mentioned above, all data types, built - in or user defined, are derived from a base class object in the System namespace . So, the packing of basic or primitive types into an object is called boxing, whereas the reverse of this known as unboxing.
class Test
static void Main()
int myInt = 12;
object obj = myInt ; // boxing
int myInt2 = (int) obj; // unboxing
The example shows both boxing and unboxing. An int value can be converted to an object and back again to an int . When a variable of a value type needs to be converted to a reference type, an object box is allocated to hold the value, and the value is copied into the box. Unboxing is just the opposite. When an object box is cast back to its original value type, the value is copied out of the box and into the appropriate storage location.
Function Parameters
Parameters in C# are of three types:
By - Value / In parameters
By - Reference / In - Out parameters
Out pParameters
If you have an idea of the COM interface and its parameters types, you will easily understand the C# parameter types.
By - Value / In parameters
The concept of value parameters is the same as in C ++ . The value of the passed value is copied into a location and is passed to the function.
SetDay( 5 );
void SetDay( int day)
By - Reference / In - Out Parameters
The reference parameters in C ++ are passed either through pointers or a reference operator , & . In C#, reference parameters are less error prone. Reference parameters are also called In - Out parameters because you pass a reference address of the location, so you pass an input value and get an output value from that function.
You cannot pass an uninitialized reference parameter into a function. C# uses a keyword ref for the reference parameters. You also have to use keyword ref with an argument while passing it to a function - demanding reference parameter.
int a = 5 ;
FunctionA( ref a); // use ref with argument or you will
// get a compiler error
Console.WriteLine(a); // prints 20
void FunctionA( ref int Val)
int x= Val;
Val = x* 4;
Out parameter
The Out parameter is the parameter that only returns a value from the function. The input value is not required. C# uses the keyword out for the out parameters
int Val;
bool GetNodeValue( out int Val)
Val = value;
return true;
Variable number of parameters and arrays
Arrays in C# are passed through a keyword params . An array - type parameter should always be the right - most argument of the function. Only one parameter can be of the array type. You can pass any number of elements as an argument of type of that array. You can better understand it from the following example.
void Func( params int [] array)
Console.WriteLine("number of elements {0}",
Func(); // prints 0
Func( 5 ); // prints 1
Func( 7 , 9 ); // prints 2
Func( new int [] {3,8,10} ); // prints 3
int [] array = new int [ 8 ] {1,3,4,5,5,6,7,5} ;
Func(array); // prints 8
Operators and Expressions
Operators are exactly the same as om C ++ and thus the expression, also. However, some new and useful operators have been added. Some of them are discussed here.
is operator
The is operator is used to check whether the operand types are equal or convertable. The is operator is particularly useful in the polymorphism scenarios. The is operator takes two operands and the result is a boolean. See the example:
void function( object param)
if(param is ClassA)
//do something
else if(param is MyStruct)
//do something
as operator
The as operator checks whether the type of the operands are convertable or equal ( as is done by is operator ) and if it is , the result is a converted or boxed object ( if the operand can be boxed into the target type, see boxing / unboxing). If the objects are not convertable or boxable, the return is a null . Have a look at the example below to better understand the concept.
Shape shp = new Shape();
Vehicle veh = shp as Vehicle; // result is null, types are not
// convertable
Circle cir = new Circle();
Shape shp = cir;
Circle cir2 = shp as Circle; // will be converted
object [] objects = new object [ 2 ];
objects[ 0 ] = " Aisha " ;
object [ 1 ] = new Shape();
string str;
for ( int i = 0 ; i &< objects.Length; i ++ )
str = objects[i] as string;
if(str == null)
Console.WriteLine("can not be converted");
can not be converted
Statements in C# are just like in C ++ except some additions of new statements and modifications in some statements.
The following are new statements:
For iteration of collections, such as arrays, and so forth.
foreach ( string s in array)
Used in threads for locking a block of code, making it a critical section.
checked / unchecked
The statements are for overflow checking in numeric operations.
int x = Int32.MaxValue; x ++ ; // Overflow checked
x++; // Exception
x++; // Overflow}
The following statements are modified:
The Switch statement is modified in C#.
Now, after executing a case statement, program flow cannot jump to the next case , which was previously allowed in C ++ .
int var = 100 ;
switch (var)
case 100: Console.WriteLine("<Value is 100>");
// No break here
case 200: Console.WriteLine("<Value is 200>"); break;
Output in C ++ :
< Value is 100 >< Value is 200 >
In C#, you get a compile time error:
error CS0163: Control cannot fall through from one case label
( ' case 100: ' ) to another
However, you can do this similarly to the way you do it in C ++ :
switch (var)
case 100:
case 200: Console.WriteLine("100 or 200<VALUE is 200>");
You also can use constant variables for case values:
const string WeekEnd = " Sunday " ;
const string WeekDay1 = " Monday " ;
string WeekDay = Console.ReadLine();
switch (WeekDay )
case WeekEnd: Console.WriteLine("It's weekend!!"); break;
case WeekDay1: Console.WriteLine("It's Monday"); break;
Delegates let us store function references into a variable. In C ++ , this is like using and storing a function pointer for which we usually use typedef.
Delegates are declared using a keyword delegate . Have a look at this example, and you will understand what delegates are:
delegate int Operation( int val1, int val2);
public int Add( int val1, int val2)
return val1 + val2;
public int Subtract ( int val1, int val2)
return val1- val2;
public void Perform()
Operation Oper;
Console.WriteLine("Enter + or - ");
string optor = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 operands");
string opnd1 = Console.ReadLine();
string opnd2 = Console.ReadLine();
int val1 = Convert.ToInt32 (opnd1);
int val2 = Convert.ToInt32 (opnd2);
if (optor == "+")
Oper = new Operation(Add);
Oper = new Operation(Subtract);
Console.WriteLine(" Result = {0}", Oper(val1, val2));
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Only single inheritance is allowed in C#. Mutiple inheritance can be acheived by using interfaces.
class Parent {
class Child : Parent
Virtual Functions
Virtual functions implement the concept of polymorphism are the same as in C#, except that you use the override keyword with the virtual function implementaion in the child class . The parent class uses the same virtual keyword. Every class that overrides the virtual method will use the override keyword.
class Shape
public virtual void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Shape.Draw") ;
class Rectangle : Shape
public override void Draw()
class Square : Rectangle
public override void Draw()
class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
Shape[] shp = new Shape[3];
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
shp[0] = new Shape();
shp[1] = rect;
shp[2] = new Square();
Hiding parent functions using " new "
You can define in a child class a new version of a function, hiding the one which is in base class . A new keyword is used to define a new version. Consider the example below, which is a modified version of the above example and note the output this time, when I replace the override keyword with a new keyword in the Rectangle class .
class Shape
public virtual void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Shape.Draw") ;
class Rectangle : Shape
public new void Draw()
class Square : Rectangle
//wouldn't let you override it here
public new void Draw()
class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Using Polymorphism:");
Shape[] shp = new Shape[3];
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
shp[0] = new Shape();
shp[1] = rect;
shp[2] = new Square();
Console.WriteLine("Using without Polymorphism:");
Square sqr = new Square();
Using Polymorphism
Using without Polymorphism:
The polymorphism doesn ' t take the Rectangle class ' s Draw method as a polymorphic form of the Shape ' s Draw method. Instead, it considers it a different method. So, to avoid the naming conflict between parent and child, we have used the new modifier.
Note: You cannot use the two version of a method in the same class , one with new modifier and other with override or virtual . As in the above example, I cannot add another method named Draw in the Rectangle class which is a virtual or override method. Also, in the Square class , I can ' t override the virtual Draw method of the Shape class.
Calling base class members
If the child class has the data members with same name as that of base class , to avoid naming conflicts, base class data members and functions are accessed using a keyword base . See in the examples how the base class constructors are called and how the data members are used.
public Child( int val) : base (val)
myVar = 5;
public Child( int val)
myVar = 5 ;
Future Additions:
This article is just a quick overwiew of the C# language so that you can just become familiar with the langauge features. Although I have tried to discuss almost all the major concepts in C# in a brief and comprehensive way with code examples, I think there is lot much to be added and discussed.
In the future, I would like to add more commands and concepts not yet discussed including events and so forth. I would also like to write about Windows programming using C# for beginners.
our most commonly known MSDN
Inside C# by Tom Archer
A Programmer ' s Introduction to C# by Eric Gunnerson
Beginning C# by Karli Watson
Programming C# (O ' Reilly)
About the Author
Aisha is a Master of Science in Computer Science from Quaid - i - Azam Univeristy. She has worked in VC ++ 6 , MFC, ATL, COM / DCOM, ActiveX, C ++ , SQL, and so forth. These days she is working on .NET framework and C#. Inspired with nature, she loves to seek knowledge. She is also fond of travelling. She keeps a free source code and articles Web site at http: // aishai.netfirms.com.