首页 > 编程语言 >ASP+VML制作统计图的源程序


时间:2023-02-09 10:33:33浏览次数:42  
标签:10 VML ASP color 统计图 Write bg total response


示例:1、直方图    2、饼图   3、曲线图


<script type="text/javascript"> window.attachEvent("onload",function (){AutoSizeDIV('CODE_7781')}) </script>

< %
' ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
' ┃                               ┃
' ┃ 摘 要: 统计图--直方图                    ┃
' ┃ 作 者: 翁云兵                        ┃
' ┃ 创建日期:2004年11月5日                   ┃
' ┃ 完成日期:2004年11月5日                   ┃
' ┃                               ┃
' ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
' 参数含义(数组,横坐标,纵坐标,图表的宽度,图表的高度,图表标题,X轴单位,Y轴单位)
function table1(stat_array,table_left,table_top,all_width,all_height,table_title,X_unit,Y_unit)
dim bg_color( 10 )
bg_color( 1 ) = " #ff1919"
bg_color( 2 ) = " #ffff19"
bg_color( 3 ) = " #1919ff"
bg_color( 4 ) = " #19ff19"
bg_color( 5 ) = " #fc0"
bg_color( 6 ) = " #3cc"
bg_color( 7 ) = " #ff19ff"
bg_color( 8 ) = " #993300"
bg_color( 9 ) = " #f60"
bg_color( 10 ) = " #ff8c19"

if X_unit <> "" then
X_unit = X_unit
end if
if Y_unit <> "" then
Y_unit = Y_unit
end if

num = ubound (stat_array, 1 )
item_width = cint ( 20000 / num + 0.5 )
begin_x = cint ((item_width - 1200 ) / 2 ) + 2200

value_Max = 0
for i = 1 to num
if value_Max < stat_array(i, 1 ) then value_Max = stat_array(i, 1 )
value_Max = cint (value_Max)
value_Max_str = cstr (value_Max)
if value_Max > 9 then
temp = mid (value_Max_str, 2 , 1 )
if temp > 4 then
temp2 = ( int (value_Max / ( 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 ))) + 1 ) * 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 )
temp2 = ( int (value_Max / ( 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 ))) + 0.5 ) * 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 )
end if
if value_Max > 4 then temp2 = 10 else temp2 = 5
end if
item_hight = temp2 / 5

response.Write " <v:shapetype id='Box' coordsize='21600,21600' o:spt='16' adj='5400'></v:shapetype>"

response.Write " <v:rect id='background' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' fillcolor='#EFEFEF' strokecolor='gray'>"
response.Write " <v:shadow on='t' type='single' color='silver' offset='4pt,4pt'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:group ID='table' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' coordsize = '23500,12700'> "

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:1500;top:200;width:20000;height:800'filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt'>"
response.Write " <table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0'>"
response.Write " <tr>"
response.Write " <td align='center' valign='middle'><div style='font-size:15pt; font-family:黑体;'><B> " & table_title & " </B></div></td>"
response.Write " </tr>"
response.Write " </table>"
response.Write " </v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:rect id='back' style='position:relative;left:1700;top:1200;width:20500; height:10500;' fillcolor='#9cf' strokecolor='#DFDFDF'>"
response.Write " <v:fill rotate='t' angle='-45' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"
response.Write " <v:line ID='X' from='1700,11700' to='22700,11700' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000' strokeWeight=1pt><v:stroke EndArrow='Classic'/></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line ID='Y' from='1700,900' to='1700,11700' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000' strokeWeight=1pt><v:stroke StartArrow='Classic'/></v:line>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:100;top:700;width:1500;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='right'> " & Y_unit & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:22200;top:11700;width:2000;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='left'> " & X_unit & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
for i = 0 to 4
response.Write " <v:line from='1200, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' to='1700, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='1700, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' to='2200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' to='22200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200, " & i * 2000 + 2200 & " ' to='22200, " & i * 2000 + 2200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'>"
response.Write " <v:stroke dashstyle='Dot'/>"
response.Write " </v:line>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:100;top: " & i * 2000 + 1250 & " ;width:1500;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='right'> " & item_hight * ( 5 - i) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:line from='2200,11200' to='22200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200,1200' to='2200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='1700,11700' to='2200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"

for i = 1 to num
this_hight = cint (stat_array(i, 1 ) / ( 5 * item_hight) * 10000 + 420 )
response.Write " <v:shape id='Box " & i & " ' type='#Box' fillcolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " ' strokecolor='#5f5f5f' style='position:relative; left: " & (i - 1 ) * item_width + begin_x & " ;top: " & cint ( 10000 - this_hight + 1620 ) & " ;width:1200;height: " & this_hight & " ;z-index:10'>"
response.Write " <v:fill o:opacity2='52429f' rotate='t' angle='-45' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:shape>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left: " & (i - 1 ) * item_width + 2200 & " ;top: " & cint ( 10000 - this_hight + 1150 ) & " ;width: " & item_width & " ;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='center'> " & stat_array(i, 1 ) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left: " & (i - 1 ) * item_width + 2200 & " ;top:11850;width: " & item_width & " ;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='center'> " & stat_array(i, 2 ) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
response.Write " </v:group>"
end function
% >
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< title ></ title >
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< body >

< %
dim total( 10 , 2 )

total( 1 , 1 ) = 200
total( 2 , 1 ) = 800
total( 3 , 1 ) = 1004
total( 4 , 1 ) = 600
total( 5 , 1 ) = 1222
total( 6 , 1 ) = 2100
total( 7 , 1 ) = 80
total( 8 , 1 ) = 1002
total( 9 , 1 ) = 145
total( 10 , 1 ) = 1040

total( 1 , 2 ) = " 项目1"
total( 2 , 2 ) = " 项目2"
total( 3 , 2 ) = " 项目3"
total( 4 , 2 ) = " 项目4"
total( 5 , 2 ) = " 项目5"
total( 6 , 2 ) = " 项目6"
total( 7 , 2 ) = " 项目7"
total( 8 , 2 ) = " 项目8"
total( 9 , 2 ) = " 项目9"
total( 10 , 2 ) = " 项目10"

call table1(total, 240 , 200 , 700 , 400 , " 柱 状 统 计 图 " , "" , " 元 " )
% >

</ body >
</ html >


 < %
' ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
' ┃                               ┃
' ┃ 摘 要: 统计图--饼图                     ┃
' ┃ 作 者: 翁云兵                        ┃
' ┃ 创建日期:2004年11月23日                  ┃
' ┃ 完成日期:2004年11月28日                  ┃
' ┃                               ┃
' ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
' 参数含义(数组,横坐标,纵坐标,图表的宽度,图表的高度,图表标题,单位)
function table2(stat_array,table_left,table_top,all_width,all_height,table_title,unit)
dim bg_color( 10 ),pie( 10 )
bg_color( 1 ) = " #ff1919"
bg_color( 2 ) = " #ffff19"
bg_color( 3 ) = " #1919ff"
bg_color( 4 ) = " #19ff19"
bg_color( 5 ) = " #fc0"
bg_color( 6 ) = " #3cc"
bg_color( 7 ) = " #ff19ff"
bg_color( 8 ) = " #993300"
bg_color( 9 ) = " #f60"
bg_color( 10 ) = " #ff8c19"

num = ubound (stat_array, 1 )
allvalues = 0
for i = 1 to num
allvalues = allvalues + stat_array(i, 1 )
k = 0
for i = 1 to num - 1
pie(i) = formatnumber (stat_array(i, 1 ) / allvalues, 4 , - 1 )
k = k + pie(i)
pie(num) = formatnumber (( 1 - k), 4 , - 1 )

response.Write " <v:shapetype id='Cake_3D' coordsize='21600,21600' o:spt='95' adj='11796480,5400' path='al10800,10800@0@0@2@14,10800,10800,10800,10800@3@15xe'></v:shapetype>"

response.Write " <v:shapetype id='3dtxt' coordsize='21600,21600' o:spt='136' adj='10800' path='m@7,l@8,m@5,21600l@6,21600e'> "
response.Write " <v:path textpathok='t' o:connecttype='custom' o:connectlocs='@9,0;@10,10800;@11,21600;@12,10800' o:connectangles='270,180,90,0'/>"
response.Write " <v:textpath on='t' fitshape='t'/>"
response.Write " <o:lock v:ext='edit' text='t' shapetype='t'/>"
response.Write " </v:shapetype>"

response.Write " <v:rect id='background' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' fillcolor='#EFEFEF' strokecolor='gray'>"
response.Write " <v:shadow on='t' type='single' color='silver' offset='4pt,4pt'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:group ID='table' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' coordsize = '21000,11500'> "
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:500;top:200;width:20000;height:800'filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt'>"
response.Write " <table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0'>"
response.Write " <tr>"
response.Write " <td align='center' valign='middle'><div style='font-size:15pt; font-family:黑体;'><B> " & table_title & " </B></div></td>"
response.Write " </tr>"
response.Write " </table>"
response.Write " </v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:rect id='back' style='position:relative;left:500;top:1000;width:20000; height:10000;' οnmοuseοver='movereset(1)' οnmοuseοut='movereset(0)' fillcolor='#9cf' strokecolor='#888888'>"
response.Write " <v:fill rotate='t' angle='-45' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:rect id='back' style='position:relative;left:15000;top:1400;width:5000; height: " & ((num + 1 ) * 9000 / 11 + 200 ) & " ;' fillcolor='#9cf' stroked='t' strokecolor='#0099ff'>"
response.Write " <v:fill rotate='t' angle='-175' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " <v:shadow on='t' type='single' color='silver' offset='3pt,3pt'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:15500;top:1500;width:4000;height:700' fillcolor='#000000' stroked='f' strokecolor='#000000'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='8pt,4pt,3pt,3pt' style='font-size:11pt;'><div align='left'><font color='#ffffff'><B>总数: " & allvalues & unit & " </B></font></div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
for i = 1 to num
response.Write " <v:Rect id='rec " & i & " ' style='position:relative;left:15400;top: " & i * 9000 / 11 + 1450 & " ;width:4300;height:800;display:none' fillcolor='#efefef' strokecolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " '>"
response.Write " <v:fill opacity='.6' color2='fill darken(118)' o:opacity2='.6' rotate='t' method='linear sigma' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:Rect>"
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:15500;top: " & i * 9000 / 11 + 1500 & " ;width:600;height:700' fillcolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " ' stroked='f'/>"
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:16300;top: " & i * 9000 / 11 + 1500 & " ;width:3400;height:700' filled='f' stroked='f'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,5pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='left'> " & stat_array(i, 2 ) & " : " & stat_array(i, 1 ) & unit & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " </v:group>"

k1 = 180
k4 = 10
for i = 1 to num
k2 = 360 * pie(i) / 2
k3 = k1 + k2
if k3 >= 360 then
k3 = k3 - 360
end if
kkk = ( - 11796480 * pie(i) + 5898240 )

k5 = 3.1414926 * 2 * ( 180 - (k3 - 180 )) / 360
R = all_height / 2
txt_x = table_left + all_height / 8 - 30 + R + R * sin (k5) * 0.7
txt_y = table_top + all_height / 14 - 39 + R + R * cos (k5) * 0.7 * 0.5

titlestr = "  名  称: " & stat_array(i, 2 ) & "  数  值: " & stat_array(i, 1 ) & unit & "  所占比例: " & pie(i) * 100 & " %  "
response.Write " <div style='cursor:hand;'>"
response.Write " <v:shape id='cake " & i & " ' type='#Cake_3D' title=' " & titlestr & " '"
response.Write " style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left + all_height / 8 & " px;top: " & table_top + all_height / 14 & " px;WIDTH: " & all_height & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;rotation: " & k3 & " ;z-index: " & k4 & " '"
response.Write " adj=' " & kkk & " ,0' fillcolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " ' οnmοuseοver='moveup(cake " & i & " , " & (table_top + all_height / 14 ) & " ,txt " & i & " ,rec " & i & " )'; οnmοuseοut='movedown(cake " & i & " , " & (table_top + all_height / 14 ) & " ,txt " & i & " ,rec " & i & " );'>"
response.Write " <v:fill opacity='60293f' color2='fill lighten(120)' o:opacity2='60293f' rotate='t' angle='-135' method='linear sigma' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " <o:extrusion v:ext='view' on='t'backdepth='25' rotationangle='60' viewpoint='0,0'viewpointorigin='0,0' skewamt='0' lightposition='-50000,-50000' lightposition2='50000'/>"
response.Write " </v:shape>"
response.Write " <v:shape id='txt " & i & " ' type='#3dtxt' style='position:absolute;left: " & txt_x & " px;top: " & txt_y & " px;z-index:20;display:none;width:50; height:18;' fillcolor='#ffffff'"
response.Write " οnmοuseοver='ontxt(cake " & i & " , " & (table_top + all_height / 14 ) & " ,txt " & i & " ,rec " & i & " )'>"
response.Write " <v:fill opacity='60293f' color2='fill lighten(120)' o:opacity2='60293f' rotate='t' angle='-135' method='linear sigma' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " <v:textpath style='font-family:'宋体';v-text-kern:t' trim='t' fitpath='t' string=' " & pie(i) * 100 & " %'/>"
response.Write " <o:extrusion v:ext='view' backdepth='8pt' on='t' lightposition='0,0' lightposition2='0,0'/>"
response.Write " </v:shape> "
response.Write " </div>"
k1 = k1 + k2 * 2
if k1 >= 360 then
k1 = k1 - 360
end if
if k1 > 180 then
k4 = k4 + 1
k4 = k4 - 1
end if
end function
% >
< html xmlns:v = " urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml " xmlns:o = " urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office " >
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< title ></ title >
v / : * { Behavior: url(#default#VML) }
o / : * { behavior: url(#default#VML) }
</ STYLE >
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< body >

< SCRIPT LANGUAGE = " JavaScript " >
< ! --
onit = true
num = 0
function moveup(iteam,top,txt,rec){
temp = eval(iteam)
tempat = eval(top)
temptxt = eval(txt)
temprec = eval(rec)
at = parseInt(temp.style.top)
temprec.style.display = "" ;
if (num > 27 ){
temptxt.style.display = "" ;
if (at > (tempat - 28 ) && onit){
num ++
temp.style.top = at - 1
Stop = setTimeout( " moveup(temp,tempat,temptxt,temprec) " , 10 )
} else {
function movedown(iteam,top,txt,rec){
temp = eval(iteam)
temptxt = eval(txt)
temprec = eval(rec)
temp.style.top = top
num = 0
temptxt.style.display = " none " ;
temprec.style.display = " none " ;
function ontxt(iteam,top,txt,rec){
temp = eval(iteam);
temptxt = eval(txt);
temprec = eval(rec)
if (onit){
temp.style.top = top - 28 ;
temptxt.style.display = "" ;
temprec.style.display = "" ;
function movereset(over){
if (over == 1 ){
onit = false
} else {
onit = true
</ script >
< %
dim total( 10 , 2 )

total( 1 , 1 ) = 2000
total( 2 , 1 ) = 1800
total( 3 , 1 ) = 1700
total( 4 , 1 ) = 1500
total( 5 , 1 ) = 1222
total( 6 , 1 ) = 1100
total( 7 , 1 ) = 1000
total( 8 , 1 ) = 800
total( 9 , 1 ) = 700
total( 10 , 1 ) = 600

total( 1 , 2 ) = " 项目1"
total( 2 , 2 ) = " 项目2"
total( 3 , 2 ) = " 项目3"
total( 4 , 2 ) = " 项目4"
total( 5 , 2 ) = " 项目5"
total( 6 , 2 ) = " 项目6"
total( 7 , 2 ) = " 项目7"
total( 8 , 2 ) = " 项目8"
total( 9 , 2 ) = " 项目9"
total( 10 , 2 ) = " 项目10"

call table2(total, 240 , 200 , 700 , 400 , " 三维饼状图 " , " 元 " )
% >
</ body >
</ html >


< %
' ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
' ┃                               ┃
' ┃ 摘 要: 统计图--曲线图                    ┃
' ┃ 作 者: 翁云兵                        ┃
' ┃ 创建日期:2004年12月01日                  ┃
' ┃ 完成日期:2004年11月03日                  ┃
' ┃                               ┃
' ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
' 参数含义(数组,横坐标,纵坐标,图表的宽度,图表的高度,图表标题,X轴单位,Y轴单位)
function table1(stat_array,table_left,table_top,all_width,all_height,table_title,X_unit,Y_unit)
dim bg_color( 10 )
bg_color( 1 ) = " #ff1919"
bg_color( 2 ) = " #ffff19"
bg_color( 3 ) = " #1919ff"
bg_color( 4 ) = " #19ff19"
bg_color( 5 ) = " #fc0"
bg_color( 6 ) = " #3cc"
bg_color( 7 ) = " #ff19ff"
bg_color( 8 ) = " #993300"
bg_color( 9 ) = " #f60"
bg_color( 10 ) = " #ff8c19"

if X_unit <> "" then
X_unit = X_unit
end if
if Y_unit <> "" then
Y_unit = Y_unit
end if

num1 = ubound (stat_array, 1 )
line_temp = split (stat_array( 0 , 1 ), " , " )
num2 = ubound (line_temp, 1 ) + 1
dim line_code
redim line_code(num1,num2)
for j = 1 to num2
line_code( 0 ,j) = line_temp(j - 1 )
for i = 1 to num1
line_temp = split (stat_array(i, 1 ), " , " )
line_code(i, 0 ) = stat_array(i, 2 )
for j = 1 to num2
line_code(i,j) = cdbl (line_temp(j - 1 ))
value_Max = 0
for i = 1 to num1
for j = 1 to num2
if value_Max < line_code(i,j) then value_Max = line_code(i,j)

value_Max = cint (value_Max)
value_Max_str = cstr (value_Max)
if value_Max > 9 then
temp = mid (value_Max_str, 2 , 1 )
if temp > 4 then
temp2 = ( int (value_Max / ( 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 ))) + 1 ) * 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 )
temp2 = ( int (value_Max / ( 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 ))) + 0.5 ) * 10 ^ ( len (value_Max_str) - 1 )
end if
if value_Max > 4 then temp2 = 10 else temp2 = 5
end if
item_hight = temp2 / 5

item_width = 20000 / (num2 - 1 )

response.Write " <v:rect id='background' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' fillcolor='#EFEFEF' strokecolor='gray'>"
response.Write " <v:shadow on='t' type='single' color='silver' offset='4pt,4pt'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:group ID='table' style='position:absolute;left: " & table_left & " px;top: " & table_top & " px;WIDTH: " & all_width & " px;HEIGHT: " & all_height & " px;' coordsize = '27500,12800'>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:1500;top:200;width:23000;height:800'filled='false' stroked='f'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt'>"
response.Write " <table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0'>"
response.Write " <tr>"
response.Write " <td align='center' valign='middle'><div style='font-size:15pt; font-family:黑体;'><B> " & table_title & " </B></div></td>"
response.Write " </tr>"
response.Write " </table>"
response.Write " </v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:rect id='back' style='position:relative;left:1700;top:1200;width:20500; height:10500;' fillcolor='#9cf' strokecolor='#DFDFDF'>"
response.Write " <v:fill rotate='t' angle='-45' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

response.Write " <v:rect id='back2' style='position:relative;left:23000;top:1200;width:4000; height: " & ( 10500 ) & " ;' fillcolor='#9cf' stroked='t' strokecolor='#0099ff'>"
response.Write " <v:fill rotate='t' angle='-175' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " <v:shadow on='t' type='single' color='silver' offset='3pt,3pt'/>"
response.Write " </v:rect>"

for i = 1 to num1
if i = 1 then
displaystr = " "
displaystr = " none"
end if
response.Write " <div style='cursor:hand;' οnmοuseοver='moveon(rec " & i & " ,line_ " & i & " )' οnmοuseοut='moveout(rec " & i & " ,line_ " & i & " , " & i & " )' οnclick='clickit( " & i & " )'>"
response.Write " <v:Rect id='rec " & i & " ' style='position:relative;left:23100;top: " & (i - 1 ) * 10200 / 10 + 1450 & " ;width:3800;height:800;display: " & displaystr & " ;' fillcolor='#efefef' strokecolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " '>"
response.Write " <v:fill opacity='.6' color2='fill darken(118)' o:opacity2='.6' rotate='t' method='linear sigma' focus='100%' type='gradient'/>"
response.Write " </v:Rect>"
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:23200;top: " & (i - 1 ) * 10200 / 10 + 1500 & " ;width:600;height:700' fillcolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " ' stroked='f'/>"
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:24000;top: " & (i - 1 ) * 10200 / 10 + 1500 & " ;width:3400;height:700' filled='f' stroked='f'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,4pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='left'> " & stat_array(i, 2 ) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
response.Write " </div> "

response.Write " <v:line ID='X' from='1700,11700' to='22700,11700' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000' strokeWeight=1pt><v:stroke EndArrow='Classic'/></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line ID='Y' from='1700,900' to='1700,11700' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000' strokeWeight=1pt><v:stroke StartArrow='Classic'/></v:line>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:100;top:700;width:1500;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='right'> " & Y_unit & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:22200;top:11900;width:2000;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='left'> " & X_unit & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

for i = 0 to 4
response.Write " <v:line from='1300, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' to='1700, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='1700, " & i * 2000 + 1700 & " ' to='2200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' to='22200, " & i * 2000 + 1200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200, " & i * 2000 + 2200 & " ' to='22200, " & i * 2000 + 2200 & " ' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'>"
response.Write " <v:stroke dashstyle='Dot'/>"
response.Write " </v:line>"

response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left:100;top: " & i * 2000 + 1250 & " ;width:1500;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='right'> " & item_hight * ( 5 - i) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "

response.Write " <v:line from='2200,11200' to='22200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='2200,1200' to='2200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from='1700,11700' to='2200,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'></v:line>"

for j = 0 to num2 - 1
response.Write " <v:line from=' " & j * item_width + 1700 & " ,11700' to=' " & j * item_width + 1700 & " ,12000' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#000000'></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from=' " & j * item_width + 1700 & " ,11700' to=' " & j * item_width + 2200 & " ,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'><v:stroke dashstyle='ShortDot'/></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:line from=' " & j * item_width + 2200 & " ,1200' to=' " & j * item_width + 2200 & " ,11200' style='z-index:2' strokecolor='#0099FF'><v:stroke dashstyle='ShortDot'/></v:line>"
response.Write " <v:Rect style='position:relative;left: " & j * item_width + 1700 - item_width / 2 & " ;top:12100;width: " & item_width & " ;height:500' filled='false' stroked='false'>"
response.Write " <v:TextBox inset='0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt' style='font-size:9pt;'><div align='center'> " & line_code( 0 ,j + 1 ) & " </div></v:TextBox>"
response.Write " </v:Rect> "
for i = 1 to num1
if i = 1 then
displaystr = " "
displaystr = " none"
end if
response.Write " <div id='line_ " & i & " ' style='display: " & displaystr & " ;'>"
for j = 0 to num2 - 2
this_hight1 = cint (line_code(i,j + 1 ) / ( 5 * item_hight) * 10000 )
this_hight2 = cint (line_code(i,j + 2 ) / ( 5 * item_hight) * 10000 )
response.Write " <v:line from=' " & j * item_width + 1850 & " , " & ( 10000 - this_hight1 + 1550 ) & " ' to=' " & (j + 1 ) * item_width + 1850 & " , " & ( 10000 - this_hight2 + 1550 ) & " 'style='z-index: " & i * 10 & " ;' strokeweight='0.1pt' strokecolor=' " & bg_color(i) & " '>"
response.Write " <o:extrusion v:ext='view' backdepth='12pt' on='t' lightposition='-50000,-50000' lightposition2='50000'/>"
response.Write " </v:line>"
response.Write " </div>"

response.Write " </v:group> "
end function
% >
< html xmlns:v = " urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml " xmlns:o = " urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office " >
< head >
< title ></ title >
v / : * { Behavior: url(#default#VML) }
o / : * { behavior: url(#default#VML) }
</ STYLE >
< SCRIPT LANGUAGE = " JavaScript " >
< ! --
var showit = new Array ( 10 );

function moveon(iteam,lineit){
temp = eval(iteam)
templine = eval(lineit)
if (showit[ 1 ]){
rec1.style.display = "" ;
line_1.style.display = "" ;
} else {
rec1.style.display = " none " ;
line_1.style.display = " none " ;
temp.style.display = "" ;
templine.style.display = "" ;
function moveout(iteam,lineit,i){
temp = eval(iteam)
templine = eval(lineit)
if (showit[i]){
temp.style.display = "" ;
templine.style.display = "" ;
} else {
temp.style.display = " none " ;
templine.style.display = " none " ;
function clickit(i){
if (showit[i]){
showit[i] = false
} else {
showit[i] = true
</ script >
</ head >
< body >

< %
dim total( 10 , 2 )

total( 0 , 1 ) = " 1月,2月,3月,4月,5月,6月,7月,8月,9月,10月,11月,12月"
total( 1 , 1 ) = " 200,158,982,0,369,100,595,895,652,25,245,951"
total( 2 , 1 ) = " 984,58,495,36,158,486,952,258,653,415,485,14"
total( 3 , 1 ) = " 850,988,958,145,369,745,265,158,856,145,425,352"
total( 4 , 1 ) = " 600,525,235,485,258,265,158,365,35,148,658,475"
total( 5 , 1 ) = " 62,525,635,215,0,465,258,305,66,547,54,148"
total( 6 , 1 ) = " 560,625,645,329,158,665,358,95,120,358,42,253"
total( 7 , 1 ) = " 950,725,635,435,258,865,458,955,152,845,425,421"
total( 8 , 1 ) = " 600,825,155,455,458,265,558,365,352,245,853,122"
total( 9 , 1 ) = " 360,925,215,545,658,465,658,845,400,421,541,125"
total( 10 , 1 ) = " 50,225,355,655,858,665,758,35,584,214,54,651"

total( 1 , 2 ) = " 项目1"
total( 2 , 2 ) = " 项目2"
total( 3 , 2 ) = " 项目3"
total( 4 , 2 ) = " 项目4"
total( 5 , 2 ) = " 项目5"
total( 6 , 2 ) = " 项目6"
total( 7 , 2 ) = " 项目7"
total( 8 , 2 ) = " 项目8"
total( 9 , 2 ) = " 项目9"
total( 10 , 2 ) = " 项目10"

call table1(total, 240 , 200 , 700 , 350 , " 曲 线 统 计 图 " , " 时间 " , " 元 " )
% >

</ body >
</ html >


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_627724/6045960


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