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时间:2023-01-31 21:45:08浏览次数:56  
标签:Java 入门 System value class println 快速 public out


1- 介绍

2- 创建Java工程

3- 原始数据类型

4- 变量

5- 控制流程

5.1- if-else语句

5.2- 一般操作符

5.3- 布尔值

5.4- switch- case -default语句

5.5- for循环

5.6- while循环

5.7- do-while循环

6- Java数组


6.2- 使用数组

7- 类,承,构造器

8- 字段

9- 方法

10- Java继承

1- 介绍


2- 创建一个工程

  • BasicJavaTutorial


注:为了能够在除英语工程其他语言可以使用,应该切换到UTF-8编码。 右键单击该项目并选择属性:

3- 原始数据类型

  • 对于整数有4种类型:byte, short, int, long
  • 实数类型: float, double
  • 字符类型: char
  • 布尔: 返回 truefalse 值 (true 或 false)
类型 描述 bit 最小值 最大值
byte 8位整数 8  -128 (-2^7) 127 (2^7-1)
short 16位整数 16 -32,768 (-2^15) 32,767 (2^15 -1)
int 32位整数 32 - 2,147,483,648
(2^31 -1)
long 64位整数 64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
(2^63 -1)
float 32位实数 32 -3.4028235 x 10^38 3.4028235 x 10^38
double 64位实数 64 -1.7976931348623157 x 10^308 1.7976931348623157 x 10^308
boolean 逻辑类型
false true
char 字符 16 '\u0000' (0) '\uffff' (65,535).

4- 变量

右键点击 src 并选择 "New/Package":

  • com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.variable

选择上面创建的包名 com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.variable,在弹出的菜单中选择 New 中选择 Class。 输入类的名称:
  • VariableExample1

创建 VariableExample1 类如下:
  • VariableExample1.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.variable;

public class VariableExample1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a variable of type int (integer 32-bit)
        int firstNumber;

        // Assigning values to firstNumber
        firstNumber = 10;

        System.out.println("First Number =" + firstNumber);

        // Declare a 32-bit real number (float)
        // This number is assigned a value of 10.2
        float secondNumber = 10.2f;

        System.out.println("Second Number =" + secondNumber);

        // Declare a 64-bit real numbers
        // This number is assigned a value of 10.2
        // character d at the end to tell with Java this is the type double.
        // Distinguished from a float.
        double thirdNumber = 10.2d;

        System.out.println("Third Number =" + thirdNumber);

        // Declare a character
        char ch = 'a';

        System.out.println("Char ch= " + ch);

运行类 VariableExample1: 在 VariableExample1 类右键单击选择 "Run As/Java Application":


您也可以一次声明多个变量,下例说明了这一点: 创建一个新的类 VariableExample2

  • VariableExample2.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.variable;

public class VariableExample2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare three 64-bit integer (long)
        long firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber;

        // Assign value to firstNumber
        // L at the end to tell java a long type, distinguished from type int.
        firstNumber = 100L;

        // Assign values to secondNumber
        secondNumber = 200L;

        // Assign values to thirdNumber
        thirdNumber = firstNumber + secondNumber;

        System.out.println("First Number = " + firstNumber);
        System.out.println("Second Number = " + secondNumber);
        System.out.println("Third Number = " + thirdNumber);

运行类 VariableExample2 的结果 :

5- 控制流

5.1- if-else语句

if-else 语句的结构是:
if(condition1 true)  {
 // Do something here
}elseif(condition2 true) {
 // Do something here
}elseif(condition3 true) {
 // Do something here
}else  { // Other
 // Do something here
创建一个类 ElseIfExample1:

  • ElseIfExample1.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.controlflow;

public class ElseIfExample1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declaring a integer number (int)        
        int score = 20;

        System.out.println("Your score =" + score);

        // If the score is less than 50
        if (score < 50) {
            System.out.println("You are not pass");

        // Else if the score more than or equal to 50 and less than 80.
        else if (score >= 50 && score < 80) {
            System.out.println("You are pass");

        // Remaining cases (that is greater than or equal to 80)
        else {
            System.out.println("You are pass, good student!");

运行 ElseIfExample1 类的结果:

int score = 80;

5.2- 常规操作符

  • > 大于号
  • < 小于号
  • >= 大于或等于
  • <= 小于或等于
  • && 且
  • || 或
  • == 等一个值
  • != 不等于一个值
  • ! 非
创建一个类 ElseIfExample2
  • ElseIfExample2.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.controlflow;

public class ElseIfExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a variable int simulate your age.
        int age = 20;

        // Test age less than or equal 17
        if (age <= 17) {
            System.out.println("You are 17 or younger");

        // Test age equals 18
        else if (age == 18) {
            System.out.println("You are 18 year old");

        // Test age, greater than 18 and less than 40
        else if (age > 18 && age < 40) {
            System.out.println("You are between 19 and 39");

        // Remaining cases (Greater than or equal to 40)
        else {
            // Nested if statements
            // Test age not equals 50.
            if (age != 50) {
                System.out.println("You are not 50 year old");

            // Negative statements
            if (!(age == 50)) {
                System.out.println("You are not 50 year old");

            // If age is 60 or 70
            if (age == 60 || age == 70) {
                System.out.println("You are 60 or 70 year old");


您可以修改 “age” 的值,然后重新运行 ElseIfExample2 类,并查看结果。

5.3- 布尔值

布尔是一种数据类型,它只有两个值true或false。 创建一个类 BooleanExample
  • BooleanExample.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.controlflow;

public class BooleanExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a variable of type boolean
        boolean value = true;

        // If value is true
        if (value == true) {
            System.out.println("It's true");
        // Else
        else {
            System.out.println("It's false");

        // With boolean values you can also write
        if (value) {
            System.out.println("It's true");
        // Else
        else {
            System.out.println("It's false");

5.4- switch- case -default 语句

这也是类似上面介绍的 if-else 分支语句:
switch( variable_to_test ) {
   // code_here;
   // code_here;
   // values_not_caught_above;
  • SwitchExample1.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.controlflow;

public class SwitchExample1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a variable age
        int age = 20;

        // Check the value of age
        switch (age) {

        // Case age = 18
        case 18:
            System.out.println("You are 18 year old");

        // Case age = 20
        case 20:
            System.out.println("You are 20 year old");

        // Remaining cases
            System.out.println("You are not 18 or 20 year old");

运行类 SwitchExample1 的结果 :
You are 20 year old
// This is not allowed !!
case(age < 18) :
// case only accept a specific value eg:
  // Do something here
  • SwitchExample2.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.controlflow;

public class SwitchExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a variable age
        int age = 30;

        // Check the value of age
        switch (age) {

        // Case age = 18
        case 18:
            System.out.println("You are 18 year old");

        // Case age in 20, 30, 40
        case 20:
        case 30:
        case 40:
            System.out.println("You are " + age);

        // Remaining case:
            System.out.println("Other age");

You are 30

5.5- for循环

for( start_value; end_value; increment_number ) {
  // Code here
  • ForLoopExample1.java
publicclass ForLoopExample1 {
    publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {
        // Declare a variable, step in loop
        intstep = 1;
        // Declare a variable value with the start value is 0
        // After each iteration, value will increase 3
        // And the loop will end when the value greater than or equal to 10
        for(intvalue = 0; value < 10; value = value + 3) {
            System.out.println("Step ="+ step + "  value = "+ value);
            // Increase 1
            step = step + 1;
运行 ForLoopExample1 类结果:
Step =1  value = 0
Step =2  value = 3
Step =3  value = 6
Step =4  value = 9
  • ForLoopExample2.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.loop;

public class ForLoopExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i = i + 1) {
            sum = sum + i;
       System.out.println(sum); }

5.6- while循环

这是 while 循环结构:  
// While the condition is true, then do something.
while( 条件为真 ) {
  // Do something here.
  • WhileExample1.java
publicclassWhileExampe1 {
    publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)  {
        intvalue = 3;
        // While the value is less than 10, the loop is working.
        while( value < 10)  {
            System.out.println("Value = "+ value);
            // Increase value by adding 2
            value = value + 2;

5.7- do-while循环

// The do-while loop to work at least one round
// and while the condition is true, it also works to
  // Do something here.
}while( condition );
  • DoWhileExample1.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.loop;

public class DoWhileExample1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int value = 3;

        // do-while loop will execute at least once
        do {

            System.out.println("Value = " + value);

            // Increase 3
            value = value + 3;

        } while (value < 10);

Value = 3
Value = 6
Value = 9

6- Java数组

6.1- 什么是数组?

数组是元素存储在彼此相邻列表。 让我们来看看,一个数组有5个int型的元素。

6.2- 使用数组

// Declare an array, not a specified number of elements.
int[] array1;
// Initialize the array with 100 elements
// The element has not been assigned a specific value
array1 = newint[100];
// Declare an array specifies the number of elements
// The element has not been assigned a specific value
double[] array2 = newdouble[10];
// Declare an array whose elements are assigned specific values.
// This array with 4 elements
long[] array3= {10L, 23L, 30L, 11L};
  • ArrayExample1.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.array;

public class ArrayExample1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare an array with 5 elements
        int[] myArray = new int[5];

        // Note: the first element of the array index is 0:

        // Assigning values to the first element (index 0)
        myArray[0] = 10;

        // Assigning values to the second element (index 1)
        myArray[1] = 14;

        myArray[2] = 36;
        myArray[3] = 27;

        // Value for the 5th element (the last element in the array)
        myArray[4] = 18;

        // Print out element count.
        System.out.println("Array Length=" + myArray.length);

        // Print to Console element at index 3 (4th element in the array)
        System.out.println("myArray[3]=" + myArray[3]);

        // Use a for loop to print out the elements in the array.
        for (int index = 0; index < myArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Element " + index + " = " + myArray[index]);
Array Length=5
Element 0 = 10
Element 1 = 14
Element 2 = 36
Element 3 = 27
Element 4 = 18
  • ArrayExample2.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.array;

public class ArrayExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare an array with 5 elements
        int[] myArray = new int[5];

        // Print out element count
        System.out.println("Array Length=" + myArray.length);

        // Using loop assign values to elements of the array.
        for (int index = 0; index < myArray.length; index++) {
            myArray[index] = 100 * index * index + 3;

        // Print out the element at index 3
        System.out.println("myArray[3] = "+ myArray[3]);
Array Length=5
myArray[3] = 903

7- 类, 继承, 构造器

  • 构造
  • 继承
当我们讨论树,它是抽象的东西,它是一个类。但是,当我们指出了一个特定的树(比如:槟榔树),很明显,那就是实例。 或者,当我们谈论的人,这是抽象的,它是一个类。但是,当指向你或我,这是两种不同的情况下,都是同一个 Person 类。
  • Person.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class Person {
    // This is field
    // The name of Person
    public String name;

    // This is a Constructor
    // Use it to initialize the object (Create new object)
    // This constructor has one parameter
    // Constructor always have the same name as the class.
    public Person(String persionName) {
        // Assign the value of the parameter into the 'name' field
        this.name = persionName;

    // This method returns a String ..
    public String getName() {
        return this.name;
Person类没有任何main函数。 TestPerson类通过构造函数初始化Person对象实例
  • PersonTest.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class PersonTest {

       public static void main(String[] args) {

           // Create an object of class Person
           // Initialize this object via constructor of class Person
           // Specifically, Edison
           Person edison = new Person("Edison");

           // Class Person has the method getName()
           // Use the object to call getName():
           String name = edison.getName();
           System.out.println("Person 1: " + name);

           // Create an object of class Person
           // Initialize this object via constructor of class Person
           // Specifically, Bill Gates
           Person billGate = new Person("Bill Gates");

           // Class Person has field name (public)
           // Use objects to refer to it.
           String name2 = billGate.name;
           System.out.println("Person 2: " + name2);


Person 1: Edison
Person 2: Bill Gates

8- 字段

在本节中,我们将讨论一些概念: 字段
  • 一般字段
  • 静态字段
  • final字段
  • static final 字段
  • FieldSample.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class FieldSample {

    // This is static field.
    public static int MY_STATIC_FIELD = 100;

    // This is normal field.
    public String myValue;

    // Constructor
    public FieldSample(String myValue)  {
        this.myValue= myValue;

  • FieldSampleTest.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class FieldSampleTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create the first object.
        FieldSample obj1 = new FieldSample("Value1");

        System.out.println("obj1.myValue= " + obj1.myValue);

        // Print out static value, access via instance of class (an object).
        System.out.println("obj1.MY_STATIC_FIELD= " + obj1.MY_STATIC_FIELD);

        // Print out static value, access via class.
        System.out.println("FieldSample.MY_STATIC_FIELD= "
                + FieldSample.MY_STATIC_FIELD);

        // Create second object:
        FieldSample obj2 = new FieldSample("Value2");

        System.out.println("obj2.myValue= " + obj2.myValue);

        // Print out static value, access via instance of class (an object)
        System.out.println("obj2.MY_STATIC_FIELD= " + obj2.MY_STATIC_FIELD);

        System.out.println(" ------------- ");

        // Set new value for static field.
        // (Or using: FieldSample.MY_STATIC_FIELD = 200)
        obj1.MY_STATIC_FIELD = 200;

        // It will print out the value 200.
        System.out.println("obj2.MY_STATIC_FIELD= " + obj2.MY_STATIC_FIELD);
obj1.myValue= Value1
FieldSample.MY_STATIC_FIELD= 100
obj2.myValue= Value2
  • FinalFieldExample.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class FinalFieldExample {

    // A final field.
    // Final Field does not allow to assign new values.
    public final int myValue = 100;

    // A static final field.
    // Final field does not allow to assign new values.
    public static final long MY_LONG_VALUE = 1234L;

9- 方法

  • 方法
  • 静态方法
  • final 方法 (将在类的继承中说明)
  • MethodSample.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class MethodSample {

    public String text = "Some text";

    // Default Constructor
    public MethodSample()  {


    // This method return a String
    // and has no parameter.
    public String getText() {
        return this.text;

    // This is a method with one parameter String.
    // This method returns void (not return anything)    
    public void setText(String text) {
        // this.text reference to the text field.
        // Distinguish the text parameter.        
        this.text = text;

    // Static method
    public static int sum(int a, int b, int c) {
        int d =  a + b + c;
        return d;
  • MethodSampleTest.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.javastructure;

public class MethodSampleTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create instance of MethodSample
        MethodSample obj = new MethodSample();

        // Call getText() method
        String text = obj.getText();

        System.out.println("Text = " + text);

        // Call method setText(String)
        obj.setText("New Text");

        System.out.println("Text = " + obj.getText());

        // Static method can be called through the class.
        // This way is recommended. (**)
        int sum = MethodSample.sum(10, 20, 30);

        System.out.println("Sum  10,20,30= " + sum);

        // Or call through objects
        // This way is not recommended. (**)        
        int sum2 = obj.sum(20, 30, 40);

        System.out.println("Sum  20,30,40= " + sum2);

Text = Some text
Text = New Text
Sum  10,20,30= 60
Sum  20,30,40= 90

10- 在Java中的继承

Java允许从其他类扩展类。类扩展另一个类称为子类。 子类必须有继承父类中的字段和方法的能力。
  • Animal.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.inheritance;

public class Animal {

    public Animal() {


    public void move() {
        System.out.println("Move ...!");

    public void say() {

  • Cat.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.inheritance;

public class Cat extends Animal {

    // Override method of the Animal class.
    public void say() {
        System.out.println("I am Cat");

  • Dog.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.inheritance;

public class Dog extends Animal {

    // Override method of the Animal class.
    public void say() {
        System.out.println("I am Dog");
  • Ant.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.inheritance;

public class Ant extends Animal {

  • AnimalTest.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.javabasic.inheritance;

public class AnimalTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declaring a Cat object.
        Cat cat = new Cat();

        // Check 'cat' instance of Animal.
        // The result is clearly true.
        boolean isAnimal = cat instanceof Animal;
        System.out.println("cat instanceof Animal?"+ isAnimal);

        // ==> Meo
        // Call the method say() of the Cat.

        // Declare an object Animal
        // Initialize the object through the Constructor of the Cat.
        Animal cat2 = new Cat();

        // ==> Meo
        // Call to say() of Cat (Not Animal)

        // Create the object Animal
        // Through the Constructor of the class Ant.        
        Animal ant = new Ant();

        // Ant has no say() method.
        // It call to say() method that inherited from the parent class (Animal)        
cat instanceof Animal?true
I am Cat
I am Cat

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cnetsa/p/17080870.html
