_RawByteStr = RawByteString;
UTF8String = type _AnsiString(65001);
RawByteString = type _AnsiString($ffff); //:$ffff= 65535
{$NODEFINE RawByteString}
{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX64) or Defined(OSX64) or Defined(ANDROID)}
UTF8String = type AnsiString(65001);
RawByteString = type AnsiString($ffff); //:$ffff= 65535
{$NODEFINE RawByteString}
UTF8String = type AnsiString(65001);
RawByteString = type AnsiString($ffff); //:$ffff= 65535
PUTF8String = ^UTF8String;
PRawByteString = ^RawByteString;
{$IF Defined(NEXTGEN) or Defined(LINUX64) or Defined(OSX64) or Defined(ANDROID)}
{$NODEFINE PRawByteString}
unit System.StrUtils;
System.Types, System.SysUtils;
function ResemblesText(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean; overload; function AnsiResemblesText(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean; overload;
function ContainsText(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; inline; overload; function AnsiContainsText(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; overload;
function StartsText(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; inline; overload; function AnsiStartsText(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; overload;
function EndsText(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; inline; overload; function AnsiEndsText(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; inline; overload;
function ReplaceText(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; inline; overload; function AnsiReplaceText(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; overload; { AnsiMatchText & AnsiIndexText provide case like function for dealing with strings }
function MatchText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Boolean; overload;
function AnsiMatchText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Boolean; overload;
function IndexText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; overload;
function AnsiIndexText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; overload;
function ContainsStr(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; inline; overload;
function AnsiContainsStr(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; overload;
function StartsStr(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; inline; overload;
function AnsiStartsStr(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; overload;
function EndsStr(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; inline; overload;
function AnsiEndsStr(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; overload;
function ReplaceStr(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; inline; overload;
function AnsiReplaceStr(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; overload;
function MatchStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Boolean; overload;
function AnsiMatchStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Boolean; overload;
function IndexStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; overload;
function AnsiIndexStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; overload;
function DupeString(const AText: string; ACount: Integer): string; overload;
function ReverseString(const AText: string): string; overload;
function AnsiReverseString(const AText: string): string; overload;
function StuffString(const AText: string; AStart, ALength: Cardinal;
const ASubText: string): string; overload;
function RandomFrom(const AValues: array of string): string; overload;
function IfThen(AValue: Boolean; const ATrue: string; AFalse: string = ''): string; overload; inline;
function SplitString(const S, Delimiters: string): TStringDynArray;
function LeftStr(const AText: AnsiString; const ACount: Integer): AnsiString; overload; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function RightStr(const AText: AnsiString; const ACount: Integer): AnsiString; overload; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function MidStr(const AText: AnsiString; const AStart, ACount: Integer): AnsiString; overload; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
{类似基本功能/ LeftB,RightB,MidB这些功能不在乎语言环境信息。}
function LeftBStr(const AText: AnsiString; const AByteCount: Integer): AnsiString; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function RightBStr(const AText: AnsiString; const AByteCount: Integer): AnsiString; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function MidBStr(const AText: AnsiString; const AByteStart, AByteCount: Integer): AnsiString; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function LeftStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; overload;
function RightStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; overload;
function MidStr(const AText: string; const AStart, ACount: Integer): string; overload;
{类基本函数/ Delphi样式函数名称}
function AnsiLeftStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; overload;
function AnsiRightStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; overload;
function AnsiMidStr(const AText: string; const AStart, ACount: Integer): string; overload;
TStringSeachOption = (soDown, soMatchCase, soWholeWord);
TStringSearchOptions = set of TStringSeachOption;
WordDelimiters: set of Byte = [0..255] - [Ord('a')..Ord('z'), Ord('A')..Ord('Z'), Ord('1')..Ord('9'), Ord('0')];
function SearchBuf(Buf: PAnsiChar; BufLen: Integer; SelStart, SelLength: Integer; SearchString: AnsiString; Options: TStringSearchOptions = [soDown]): PAnsiChar; overload; deprecated 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit';
function SearchBuf(Buf: PChar; BufLen: Integer; SelStart, SelLength: Integer; SearchString: String; Options: TStringSearchOptions = [soDown]): PChar; overload;
{PosEx在S中搜索SubStr,如果找到则返回SubStr的索引位置,否则返回0。如果未给出“偏移”,则结果与调用位置相同。如果指定了“偏移”并且> 1,则搜索从S内的“偏移”位置开始。如果“偏移”大于“长度(S)”,则PosEx返回0。默认情况下,“偏移”等于1。
function PosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Integer = 1): Integer; inline; overload;
{Soundex函数返回给定字符串的Soundex代码。与原始的Soundex例程不同,此函数可以返回不同长度的代码。此功能大致基于John Midwinter编写的SoundBts。有关Soundex的更多信息,请访问:http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/coding.html此功能背后的一般理论最早于1918年获得专利(US1261167和US1435663),但现在已在公共领域。注意:此功能不会尝试处理“带前缀的名称”的问题。}
TSoundexLength = 1..MaxInt;
function Soundex(const AText: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): string;
TSoundexIntLength = 1..8;
function SoundexInt(const AText: string; ALength: TSoundexIntLength = 4): Integer;
function DecodeSoundexInt(AValue: Integer): string;
function SoundexWord(const AText: string): Word;
function DecodeSoundexWord(AValue: Word): string;
function SoundexSimilar(const AText, AOther: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): Boolean;
function SoundexCompare(const AText, AOther: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): Integer;
function SoundexProc(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean;
TCompareTextProc = function(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean;
ResemblesProc: TCompareTextProc = SoundexProc;
AnsiResemblesProc: TCompareTextProc = SoundexProc;
标签:function,const,10.4,delphi,overload,Integer,AText,及其,string From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xionda/p/17065006.html