英文 | https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/simple-sorting-algorithms-in-javascript-57d512ceaf5d
翻译 | web前端开发
排序是程序员处理数据处理时最常见的问题之一。在此文中,我们将介绍一些每个程序员都应该掌握的简单排序算法。所有这些都被认为很简单,因为它们的时间复杂度均为O(n²)。如果你不清楚Big O是什么,请看我在上面写的这个文章(地址:https://medium.com/swlh/small-math-to-big-o-901a90998871)。
function swap (arr, index1, index2){
let temp = arr[index1];
arr[index1] = arr[index2];
arr[index2] = temp;
function bubbleSort(arr){
//start the endIndex at the last index of the array
let endIndex = arr.length - 1;
//run the loop until the endIndex(sorted portion) is the 0 (the full array)
while(endIndex > 0){
// count the number of swaps to short circuit the loop if it is already sorted
let swaps = 0;
//reset the currentIndex to the beginning of the array each time a new element is sorted
let currentIndex = 0;
// loop over the array, comparing each pair of elements until the comparison element reaches the sorted portion of the array
while(currentIndex < endIndex){
// uncomment this line to see the comparison in action
// console.log(arr, arr[currentIndex], arr[currentIndex + 1])
// if the current element is greater than the element in front of it
if(arr[currentIndex] > arr[currentIndex + 1]){
//swap the 2 elements using our helper function
swap(arr, currentIndex, currentIndex + 1);
// add 1 to the swaps counter
//increase the currentIndex to continue iterating through the array
//stop the loop if there were no swaps because the array must be already sorted
if(swaps === 0) break;
// subtract the endIndex number to account for the new element added to the array
return arr;
选择排序基本上与冒泡排序相反。排序不是查找最大的元素并将其冒泡到顶部,而是查找数组中的最小元素并将其移动到数组的开头- 新的sorted section。然后重复执行,直到排序的部分包含整个数组。
function selectionSort(arr){
let smallestIndex = 0;
let currentIndex = 1;
let beginningIndex = 0;
//loop until the sorted section is the full array
while(beginningIndex < arr.length){
//loop over the array until the currentIndex has reached the last element
while(currentIndex < arr.length){
//keep track of the smallest index by comparing it to the current index
if(arr[smallestIndex] > arr[currentIndex]){
smallestIndex = currentIndex;
//add to the current index to iterate through the array
// after iterating through the array once, if the smallest number isn't at the sorted section, swap the two
if(smallestIndex !== beginningIndex){
swap(arr, smallestIndex, beginningIndex)
//add to the beginning index to incorporate the new sorted section
//start the current index at 1 above the sorted section
currentIndex = beginningIndex + 1;
//reset the smallest index to the beginningIndex
smallestIndex = beginningIndex;
return arr;
function bubbleSort(arr){
//start the endIndex at the last index of the array
let endIndex = arr.length - 1;
//run the loop until the endIndex(sorted portion) is the 0 (the full array)
while(endIndex > 0){
// count the number of swaps to short circuit the loop if it is already sorted
let swaps = 0;
//reset the currentIndex to the beginning of the array each time a new element is sorted
let currentIndex = 0;
// loop over the array, comparing each pair of elements until the comparison element reaches the sorted portion of the array
while(currentIndex < endIndex){
// uncomment this line to see the comparison in action
// console.log(arr, arr[currentIndex], arr[currentIndex + 1])
// if the current element is greater than the element in front of it
if(arr[currentIndex] > arr[currentIndex + 1]){
//swap the 2 elements using our helper function
swap(arr, currentIndex, currentIndex + 1);
// add 1 to the swaps counter
//increase the currentIndex to continue iterating through the array
//stop the loop if there were no swaps because the array must be already sorted
if(swaps === 0) break;
// subtract the endIndex number to account for the new element added to the array
return arr;