2。如果想在window 95/98的MS-DOS方式下使用,应将MS-DOS方式窗口设为全屏。
3。win 2000/xp未作测试。
; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
; 文件名: SafeScr.asm
; 功 能: 在指定时间内未使用键盘则关闭屏幕显示(黑屏)
; 作 者: 黄志斌 2003年3月 广西河池
;参考: 电脑报 1996年合订本上册243页代码, 软件报 1993年合订本114页代码
; 申 明: 可以自由转载,应保存完整性.且不能用于商业用途
; 说 明:
; 1. 第一次运行时常驻内存,再次运行则撤出内存
; 2.如果你运行了明伦五笔高手速成,那么本程序将不起作用,
; 可能的原因是明伦五笔高手速成修改了;有关的DOS中断,而没有回调。
2。如果想在window 95/98的MS-DOS方式下使用,应将MS-DOS方式窗口设为全屏。
3。win 2000/xp未作测试。; Log
;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<标签:--,程序,mov,interrupt,cs,ax,bx,ds,黑屏 From:
;Name :
;Function : ;Author : Purple Endurer
;Reference: Computer paper 1996U243, Software 1993 P114
cseg segment
assume cs: cseg, ds: cseg
org 100h
start: jmp @Init
Old1cAddr label dword
Old1cOff dw ?
Old1cSeg dw ?
Old09Addr label dword
Old09Off dw ?
Old09Seg dw ?
mcb_evb dw ? ; mcb: Memmory Control Block
mcb_psp dw ?
show dw 1
count dw 0
VarLen equ $ - Old1cAddr
time equ 1000
new1ch proc far
push ax
push bx
inc cs:[count]
;mov ax, cs: [time]
cmp cs:[count], time
jne @New1chEnd
mov bl, 36h
mov ax, 1201h
int 10h
mov cs:[count], 0
mov cs:[show], 0
pop bx
pop ax
jmp cs:Old1cAddr
new1ch endp
new09h proc far
push ax
push bx
cmp cs:[show], 1h
je @New09hEnd
mov cs:[show], 0h
mov bl, 36h
mov ax, 1200h
int 10h
mov cs:[count], 0
pop bx
pop ax
jmp cs:Old09Addr
new09h endp
mov ax, 3509h ; Get current 1ch interrupt vector
int 21h
cmp bx, offset new09h ; Has been Intalled?
jnz @install ; No install
mov dx, offset strMsgUninstall
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov bx, 1ch * 04h ; Restore old 1ch interrupt vector
xor ax, ax ; to System interrupt vector talbe
mov ds, ax
mov ax, es:[Old1cOff]
mov ds:[bx], ax
mov ax, es:[Old1cSeg]
mov ds:[bx+2], ax
mov bx, 09h * 04h ; Restore old 09h interrupt vector
mov ax, es:[Old09Off] ; to System interrupt vector talbe
;xor ax, ax
;mov ds, ax ; ds must equal 0
mov ds:[bx], ax
mov ax, es:[Old09Seg]
mov ds:[bx+2], ax
mov bx, 1 ; Release evirenment parameter block
mov ax, es:[mcb_evb]
mov ds, ax
mov word ptr ds:[bx], 0
mov ax, es:[mcb_psp] ; Release TSR
mov ds, ax
mov word ptr ds:[bx], 0
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
;mov ax, 3509h ; Get current 1ch interrupt vector
;int 21h
mov Old09Seg, es ; Store current 09h interrupt vector
mov Old09Off, bx
mov dx, offset new09h ; Set new 09h interrupt vector
mov ax, 2509h
int 21h
mov ax, 351ch ; Get current 1ch interrupt vector
int 21h
mov Old1cSeg, es ; Store current 1ch interrupt vector
mov Old1cOff, bx
mov dx, offset new1ch ; Set new 1ch interrupt vector
mov ax, 251ch
int 21h
mov dx, offset strMsgInstall
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; Store the address of evirenment parameter block
mov ax, cs
dec ax
mov [mcb_psp], ax ;mov cs:[mcb_psp], ax
mov bx, 2ch
mov ax, [bx] ;mov ax, cs:[bx]
dec ax
mov cs:[mcb_evb], ax
mov dx, offset @Init
add dx, VarLen + 2
mov cl, 04h
shr dx, cl
mov ax, 3100h
int 21h
strMsgInstall db 07h, "Screensafer installed!$"
strMsgUninstall db 07h, "Screensafer uninstalled!$"
cseg ends
end start