python语言绘图:绘制贝叶斯方法中最大后验密度(Highest Posterior Density, HPD)区间图的近似计算
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sns
palette = 'muted'
sns.set_palette(palette); sns.set_color_codes(palette)
gauss_a = stats.norm.rvs(loc=4, scale=0.9, size=3000)
gauss_b = stats.norm.rvs(loc=-2, scale=1, size=2000)
mix_norm = np.concatenate((gauss_a, gauss_b))
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats.kde as kde
def hpd_grid(sample, alpha=0.05, roundto=2):
"""Calculate highest posterior density (HPD) of array for given alpha.
The HPD is the minimum width Bayesian credible interval (BCI).
The function works for multimodal distributions, returning more than one mode
sample : Numpy array or python list
An array containing MCMC samples
alpha : float
Desired probability of type I error (defaults to 0.05)
roundto: integer
Number of digits after the decimal point for the results
hpd: array with the lower
sample = np.asarray(sample)
sample = sample[~np.isnan(sample)]
# get upper and lower bounds
l = np.min(sample)
u = np.max(sample)
density = kde.gaussian_kde(sample)
x = np.linspace(l, u, 2000)
y = density.evaluate(x)
# y = density.evaluate(x, l, u) waitting for PR to be accepted
xy_zipped = zip(x, y / np.sum(y))
xy = sorted(xy_zipped, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
xy_cum_sum = 0
hdv = []
for val in xy:
xy_cum_sum += val[1]
if xy_cum_sum >= (1 - alpha):
diff = (u - l) / 20 # differences of 5%
hpd = []
hpd.append(round(min(hdv), roundto))
for i in range(1, len(hdv)):
if hdv[i] - hdv[i - 1] >= diff:
hpd.append(round(hdv[i - 1], roundto))
hpd.append(round(hdv[i], roundto))
hpd.append(round(max(hdv), roundto))
ite = iter(hpd)
hpd = list(zip(ite, ite))
modes = []
for value in hpd:
x_hpd = x[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
y_hpd = y[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
modes.append(round(x_hpd[np.argmax(y_hpd)], roundto))
return hpd, x, y, modes
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_post(sample, alpha=0.05, show_mode=True, kde_plot=True, bins=50,
ROPE=None, comp_val=None, roundto=2):
"""Plot posterior and HPD
sample : Numpy array or python list
An array containing MCMC samples
alpha : float
Desired probability of type I error (defaults to 0.05)
show_mode: Bool
If True the legend will show the mode(s) value(s), if false the mean(s)
will be displayed
kde_plot: Bool
If True the posterior will be displayed using a Kernel Density Estimation
otherwise an histogram will be used
bins: integer
Number of bins used for the histogram, only works when kde_plot is False
ROPE: list or numpy array
Lower and upper values of the Region Of Practical Equivalence
comp_val: float
Comparison value
post_summary : dictionary
Containing values with several summary statistics
post_summary = {'mean': 0, 'median': 0, 'mode': 0, 'alpha': 0, 'hpd_low': 0,
'hpd_high': 0, 'comp_val': 0, 'pc_gt_comp_val': 0, 'ROPE_low': 0,
'ROPE_high': 0, 'pc_in_ROPE': 0}
post_summary['mean'] = round(np.mean(sample), roundto)
post_summary['median'] = round(np.median(sample), roundto)
post_summary['alpha'] = alpha
# Compute the hpd, KDE and mode for the posterior
hpd, x, y, modes = hpd_grid(sample, alpha, roundto)
post_summary['hpd'] = hpd
post_summary['mode'] = modes
## Plot KDE.
if kde_plot:
plt.plot(x, y, color='k', lw=2)
## Plot histogram.
plt.hist(sample, bins=bins, facecolor='b',
## Display mode or mean:
if show_mode:
string = '{:g} ' * len(post_summary['mode'])
plt.plot(0, label='mode =' + string.format(*post_summary['mode']), alpha=0)
plt.plot(0, label='mean = {:g}'.format(post_summary['mean']), alpha=0)
## Display the hpd.
hpd_label = ''
for value in hpd:
plt.plot(value, [0, 0], linewidth=10, color='b')
hpd_label = hpd_label + '{:g} {:g}\n'.format(round(value[0], roundto), round(value[1], roundto))
plt.plot(0, 0, linewidth=4, color='b', label='hpd {:g}%\n{}'.format((1 - alpha) * 100, hpd_label))
## Display the ROPE.
if ROPE is not None:
pc_in_ROPE = round(np.sum((sample > ROPE[0]) & (sample < ROPE[1])) / len(sample) * 100, roundto)
plt.plot(ROPE, [0, 0], linewidth=20, color='r', alpha=0.75)
plt.plot(0, 0, linewidth=4, color='r', label='{:g}% in ROPE'.format(pc_in_ROPE))
post_summary['ROPE_low'] = ROPE[0]
post_summary['ROPE_high'] = ROPE[1]
post_summary['pc_in_ROPE'] = pc_in_ROPE
## Display the comparison value.
if comp_val is not None:
pc_gt_comp_val = round(100 * np.sum(sample > comp_val) / len(sample), roundto)
pc_lt_comp_val = round(100 - pc_gt_comp_val, roundto)
plt.axvline(comp_val, ymax=.75, color='g', linewidth=4, alpha=0.75,
label='{:g}% < {:g} < {:g}%'.format(pc_lt_comp_val,
comp_val, pc_gt_comp_val))
post_summary['comp_val'] = comp_val
post_summary['pc_gt_comp_val'] = pc_gt_comp_val
plt.legend(loc=0, framealpha=1)
frame = plt.gca()
return post_summary
plot_post(mix_norm, roundto=2, alpha=0.05)
plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize=14)
plt.savefig('B04958_01_09.png', dpi=300, figsize=(5.5, 5.5))
View Code
def hpd_grid(sample, alpha=0.05, roundto=2):
"""Calculate highest posterior density (HPD) of array for given alpha.
The HPD is the minimum width Bayesian credible interval (BCI).
The function works for multimodal distributions, returning more than one mode
sample : Numpy array or python list
An array containing MCMC samples
alpha : float
Desired probability of type I error (defaults to 0.05)
roundto: integer
Number of digits after the decimal point for the results
hpd: array with the lower
sample = np.asarray(sample)
sample = sample[~np.isnan(sample)]
# get upper and lower bounds
l = np.min(sample)
u = np.max(sample)
density = kde.gaussian_kde(sample)
x = np.linspace(l, u, 2000)
y = density.evaluate(x)
# y = density.evaluate(x, l, u) waitting for PR to be accepted
xy_zipped = zip(x, y / np.sum(y))
xy = sorted(xy_zipped, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
xy_cum_sum = 0
hdv = []
for val in xy:
xy_cum_sum += val[1]
if xy_cum_sum >= (1 - alpha):
diff = (u - l) / 20 # differences of 5%
hpd = []
hpd.append(round(min(hdv), roundto))
for i in range(1, len(hdv)):
if hdv[i] - hdv[i - 1] >= diff:
hpd.append(round(hdv[i - 1], roundto))
hpd.append(round(hdv[i], roundto))
hpd.append(round(max(hdv), roundto))
ite = iter(hpd)
hpd = list(zip(ite, ite))
modes = []
for value in hpd:
x_hpd = x[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
y_hpd = y[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
modes.append(round(x_hpd[np.argmax(y_hpd)], roundto))
return hpd, x, y, modes
density = kde.gaussian_kde(sample)
x = np.linspace(l, u, 2000)
y = density.evaluate(x)
对新生成的样本数据数据的对应概率密度进行规则化:( 这样可以保证即使采样的数据量不是十分大的情况下生成的数据对应的概率密度区间的面积和为1,方便下面对0.95HPD区间面积加和求解时的计算)
xy_zipped = zip(x, y / np.sum(y))
xy = sorted(xy_zipped, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
xy_cum_sum = 0
hdv = []
for val in xy:
xy_cum_sum += val[1]
if xy_cum_sum >= (1 - alpha):
diff = (u - l) / 20 # differences of 5%
hpd = []
hpd.append(round(min(hdv), roundto))
for i in range(1, len(hdv)):
if hdv[i] - hdv[i - 1] >= diff:
hpd.append(round(hdv[i - 1], roundto))
hpd.append(round(hdv[i], roundto))
hpd.append(round(max(hdv), roundto))
这一步中求得的hpd列表为[-4.06, 0.16, 1.82, 6.18],其中[-4.06, 0.16,]代表一个区间,[1.82, 6.18]代表另一个区间。
ite = iter(hpd)
hpd = list(zip(ite, ite))
modes = []
for value in hpd:
x_hpd = x[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
y_hpd = y[(x > value[0]) & (x < value[1])]
modes.append(round(x_hpd[np.argmax(y_hpd)], roundto))
return hpd, x, y, modes
zip(ite,ite)是惰性计算,在list(zip(ite,ite))时才会从迭代器ite中提取数据,虽然zip每次从两个迭代器中提取数据但是这两个迭代器都是一个ite迭代器,那么就会zip每次从两个ite中提取数据实际都是一个ite提供的,因此最终的提取结果就是hpd中的数据依次提取两个,最后的提取结果就是[(-4.06, 0.16), (1.82, 6.18)]。如果不这样写可能就得这么写这个代码了:
hpd2=[ ]
for i in range(1, len(hpd)):
hpd2.append((hpd[i-1], hpd[i]))
标签:hdv,后验,val,Density,python,sample,np,roundto,hpd From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15642578/5857903