- 移动并重命名工作簿
1 from pathlib import Path # 导入pathlib模块的path类 2 import time 3 4 # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. 5 if __name__ == '__main__': 6 data = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') 7 8 old_file_path = Path('D:\\demo\\python\\test_excel\\file_from\\test.xlsx') # 这里的Path,等价于os.path,join();参考第10行代码 9 new_file_path = Path('D:\\demo\\python\\test_excel\\file_to\\test_rename.xlsx') 10 # test_path = Path('D:', 'demo', 'python', 'test_excel', 'file_from', 'test.xlsx') 11 old_file_path.rename(new_file_path) # 剪切并重命名 12 13 if new_file_path.is_file(): 14 print(f'{data}:{old_file_path} rename successed')
- 解析工作簿的路径信息
1 from pathlib import Path # 导入pathlib模块的path类 2 import time 3 4 # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. 5 if __name__ == '__main__': 6 data = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') 7 file_path = Path('D:\\demo\\python\\test_excel\\file_to\\test_rename.xlsx') 8 # 解析工作簿的路径信息 9 path = file_path.parent 10 # 打印文件所在路径 11 print(f'文件路劲----:{path}') 12 file_name = file_path.name 13 # 打印文件名字 14 print(f'文件名为----:{file_name}') 15 suffix = file_path.suffix 16 # 打印文件后缀名 17 print(f'文件后缀名为----:{suffix}')
- 提取文件夹内所有工作簿的文件名
1 from pathlib import Path # 导入pathlib模块的path类 2 3 # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. 4 if __name__ == '__main__': 5 folder_path = Path('D:\\demo\\python\\test_excel\\file_to') 6 file_list = folder_path.glob('*.xlsx') 7 print(f'file_list----:{file_list}') 8 lists = [] 9 for test in file_list: 10 file_name = test.name 11 lists.append(file_name) 12 print(f'lists----:{lists}')
标签:__,name,python,xecel,file,Path,test,path From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaopangyu/p/16886474.html